Example sentences of "[prep] which be [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Lascaux Aquacryl uses only finely dispersed , transparent and very lightfast pigments , the numbers for which are published on the colour chart .
2 Experts believe that the discharge limits for these substances — many of which are included on the EEC 's ‘ black list ’ due to their toxicity , persistence and tendency to accumulate in organisms — should always be based on the best available control technology .
3 The lunar maria , nearly all of which are located on the near side , also seem to be of impact origin , with subsequent infill by rather dark material .
4 DataEase comes in three versions — all of which are supplied on the disks — and you 'll need less than 4Mb of hard disk space to run it .
5 By 1988 , similar statutes , generally termed ‘ anti-profit ’ or ‘ literary profits laws ’ , were enacted in 34 of the United States , most of which are modelled on the New York legislation .
6 The argument about the relation of the different kinds of reason to each other will doubtless ( and necessarily ) continue without resolution ; what is important in the present context is that , in rearticulating the possibility that there is no absolute difference between the two , Lévi-Strauss puts into question Sartre 's definitions of man , human history , and finally his concept of history in toto — all of which are predicated on the dialectic .
7 These are tensioned in the ‘ down ’ position by an elastic or bungee , one end of which is hooked on the bowsprit , and the other linked to a trip line which runs through the two sails to the slotted tube at the rear , where it is retained by the release pin .
8 Most visitors ask about the history of the garden , part of which is built on the site of a nunnery attached to the church next door .
9 There is a family ‘ life cycle ’ , only part of which is represented on the back of cereal packets , which is illustrated in figure 6.3 .
10 No one considering the outcome could continue under the illusion that the co-operative form of organisation , as it is recognised in the west , can exist in any country the political constitution of which is modelled on the Soviet Russian derivative from Marxism .
11 The hushed court had earlier listened to a dramatic seven-minute recording of Daniel 's 999 call , part of which is shown on the left .
12 The object of the teams was to co-ordinate the regional activities of the Manpower Services Commission ( now the Training Agency ) , the Department of Employment , the Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry , each of which was represented on the teams .
13 The United Kingdom tourist industry was worth £11 billion in 1986 , half of which was spent on the 10.5 million overseas inclusive tour holidays taken and 7 million independently organized overseas visits .
14 The famous building , chosen from several other noteworthy contenders on the Glasgow Green , was erected in 1892 — the architecture of which was modelled on the Doge 's Palace in Venice .
15 An independent hint that it was being used even earlier than the Shang dynasty is the appearance of turquoise , the nearest sources of which were situated on the Iranian plateau , during the initial Erh-li-t'ou stage of the Bronze Age . ’
16 The Spanish student who discovered them is now thought to have painted the cave with natural pigments but using modern rubber sponges , fragments of which were found on the walls .
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