Example sentences of "[prep] which be [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Hopefully , you will have anticipated this by having shot some spare length which can be sacrificed to make room for the insert , the edit in and edit out points for which are determined with the help of the cue/review buttons .
2 Tenders were sought for a prototype body , 50 feet long and 8 feet wide , clearances for which were tested with the remaining Coronations .
3 This is affected by many things , most of which are to do with the interests and the values of the researcher , which are usually interrelated .
4 Any work of art is a complex vibratory system to which our senses and nervous system respond , and any object such as the sacred wooden boards or Tapundas , or the stone Tjinas of the Aborigines , many of which are inscribed with the serpent motif , or any object that has been submitted to human veneration through actions or desires , remains charged with psychic power that can be transmitted or given off in energetic emanations providing there has been no transformation of the original material used in its creation .
5 Then there are the ‘ semi-nude virgins ’ who move in carefully choreographed , ritualized patterns on the fringes of the field and the frenzied chanting of the worshipping onlookers , all of which is overlaid with the ‘ Oedipus theme of willingness to die for love of Mother ’ , or Alma Mater , to give the deity its more familiar institutional name .
6 On March 6 , 1990 , both Presidents signed the " San Pedro Alejandrino " agreement promising to implement future proposals of existing bilateral border commissions and setting up five more bilateral commissions , one of which was to deal with the controversial issue of territorial demarcation in the Gulf of Venezuela .
7 This belief was fostered by the churches , the floors and walls of which were incised with the records of those who had gone before , but it was expressed positively in the family .
8 Hercules acquired through Athena an enormous bronze rattle made by Hephaistos , and with this he scared them from their coverts , then shot them down with arrows , the tips of which were poisoned with the blood of the Hydra .
9 Strathclyde has a substantial history of take-up campaigns , some of which were undertaken with the full co-operation of the DSS .
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