Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] will [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The main topic of the evening will be the choice of subjects from S3 to S6 , about which you will also find information in the accompanying booklet .
2 A superficially similar case may differ from this one in some subtle matter of detail the relevance of which we will only recognize when we encounter it in the concrete .
3 Mr Ballantine received a prison sentence of 18 months ( of which he will probably serve a year or less ) , and a five-year driving ban .
4 The third choice is for each house ( or pair of houses ) to have its own soakaway — this is simply a hole in the ground filled with bricks or rubble , into which the rainwater is taken and out of which it will slowly disperse .
5 Alternatively , you can leave payment to us by electing to use either our Standing Order or Direct debit services , under which we will automatically debit your Account with the amounts due as required .
6 Yet they can come to see one opponent as the rock upon which they will undoubtedly founder .
7 Advance planning makes it possible to write the essay in sections and put the sections together only at the end — with the result that you do not have to write the sections in the order in which they will finally appear .
8 Then a leading photographer will capture your new look for our April issue , in which we will also publish the results of the two surveys showing how everyone found the experience of using Elancyl .
9 I shall be obliged to you if you will be so good as to let the bearer have my copy of the last year 's Transactions , in which you will greatly oblige , Sir , your most humble servant , Philip Miller .
10 But what people notice about Anthony is the way he holds his head down , that he 'll hardly ever look you in the eye , and the manner in which he will suddenly turn his whole head away if ever there is disagreement or he is challenged in some way .
11 ‘ Geomorphology is changing rapidly ; this book signposts one of the ways in which it will surely develop . ’
12 He questions the structuralist practice of reducing individual texts to a microcosm of a general poetics , of using ‘ the indifferent gaze of science ’ to force them to ‘ rejoin , inductively , the Copy from which we will then make them derive ’ ( 1975 : 3 ) .
13 - Your summer clothes go into hibernation in cupboards , wardrobes , dry cleaners ' , cloakrooms , hat-stands , boots of cars , other people 's houses , restaurant vestibules , backs of chairs in disused rooms and many other places from which they will eventually creep , crumpled and dishevelled , in six months ' time .
14 More recently , they have contributed towards the services of a much needed nurse , and it is for this cause that they continue to donate a set sum each week together with raffle sales and other activities from which they will soon reach their target of another £600 , the same sum that was given earlier this year .
15 This experience should be something from which you will both learn .
16 Everyone grieves for lost love , but for an acutely sensitive figure like Gedge , it was a trauma from which he will always struggle to recover fully .
17 Will representations to other Governments be as strong as possible to encourage them to make the sort of contributions to the know-how fund and to know-how activity that is absolutely crucial for the developing economies in central and eastern Europe , and without which they will never develop democratic politics as well ?
18 He argues that all other forms of therapy are simply tranquillizers , helping people to adapt rather than change , or else to find an addiction like meditation or relaxation that offers temporary relief to which we will always need to return .
19 Spring , when the swelling buds indicate movement and rising sap , is quite soon enough to direct their energies by pruning — and that is the area to which we will now direct our energies !
20 These attitudes were reflected in the arrangements for famine relief in Tsaritsyn guberniia , to which we will now turn , since our attention has been directed so far on Saratov and Samara gubernii to the north of it .
21 This restriction on consent is designed for the protection of the young , to which we will now turn .
22 Here lies a central dispute throughout the social sciences , and it is one to which we will often revert .
23 Menlo Park , California-based Cisco Systems Inc wo n't be for too much longer : it has signed a lease agreement for a 46-acre site in northern San Jose , to which it will eventually move its headquarters .
24 In particular it is a fundamental feature of the American New Critics ' work , to which I will shortly turn .
25 That was the way we became his followers , the way we got saved , it 's the way we continue , it 's the way and it 's the only re the only method by which we will ever stand before him and he will usher us into his presence to stand eternity with him , through his grace and as we see others , not in a sense of condemnation , not in a sense of self righteousness or pointing the finger , as we see others we can say with that man of old who , as he watched the , the man being dragged , to the , to the gallows , there but for the grace of God , goes I , goes me and there but for God 's grace , think of that most , that worse condition that you know , think of that person who has messed their life up more than any body else and er , who has made a total wreck of it , there but for the grace of God is you and there 's me , oh thank God for his grace .
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