Example sentences of "[prep] this [verb] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We conclude that a project such as this needs to strike the right balance between , on the one hand setting criteria and a code of practice which wills structure and direct developments in participating institutions , and , on the other , permitting each institution appropriate independence and room for initiative and discretion .
2 All of this to avoid changing the capitalist order , ( ibid. , p. 200 ) .
3 Mrs Thatcher 's expressed aim was to rid the country of socialism forever , and part of this involved destroying the Labour party 's local government base .
4 Chemists know that oxygen-free climates like this tend to foster the spontaneous synthesis of organic compounds .
5 In place of vague ideological statements and piecemeal policies the primary sector now needs a substantial programme of professional development and support aimed at enhancing the curriculum expertise of all its primary staff , and targeted in the first instance on those aspects of the curriculum where studies like this have identified the greatest problems .
6 In this contriving to do the obvious thing in a way not altogether obvious will lie the difference between producing a run-of-the-mill story , which may well never see the light of day , and producing a story with that something extra .
7 From this has come the immense development of Justice and Peace Commissions , both in Rome and throughout the Catholic world , which have greatly helped bring to fruition a whole new dimension of church life , a social activism concerned with the service of the poor , of economic justice and of genuine peace ( Paul VI later declared that ‘ Development is the new name for Peace ’ ) .
8 The recruitment of colonial troops , mainly by the French who hoped by this means to offset the demographic superiority of the Germans ( a subject anxiously discussed in the 1860s ) , brought some others for the first time into a European environment .
9 To attempt to resurrect — or , more likely in her view , invent — the old national groups was entirely reactionary , to turn the clock back to a past economic system , and to attempt by this means to frustrate the proletarian revolution .
10 Perhaps he hopes by this means to get the best of both worlds ; actually , of course , he gets the worst .
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