Example sentences of "[prep] not [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In other parts of the Americas , settlers had been done away with , by what means nobody later could discover , for new arrivals would find the incomers ' stockade deserted , with not a sign of struggle .
2 I know that I laughed a lot , and that Will said it was a stupid play , with not a word of poetry in it .
3 A good prepared speech , McLeish thought , with not a word of truth in it .
4 ‘ It was so hot and humid out there , with not a breath of wind .
5 Hedges have been pulled out , stone walls pulled down , all for the sake of productivity and with not a whimper of opposition from successive governments .
6 The slow deliberacy with which the wife commences her reply , with not a hint of offence in her reaction but rather a hint of care in selecting the right mode of reply , emphasizes her willingness to converse on the topic : So does her subsequent appropriation of a rhetorical device , the occupatio , a statement emphasized by the speaker feigning unwillingness or lack of freedom to express it : The monk too takes a moment 's pause before replying : again seeming to digest the implications of the wife 's words , or ( and ? ) to express , silently but with an eloquent action , astonishment at the wife 's ready invitation to him to continue to converse on this topic .
7 The Marriner version of Capriccio , very beautifully played with not a hint of sentimentality , earns a recommendation both for the quality of sound — the finest of any here — which is full , clear and atmospheric and — more surprisingly — for the coupling .
8 Everything , from the stables to their occupants , is immaculate with not a wisp of straw out of place .
9 He was not a big man — only about five feet seven inches tall — but his years as a coachsmith had given him a body that was all muscle with not an ounce of fat .
10 Most of them are small ( big men are at a disadvantage in that job ) but nearly all of them have the most noble bodies ; wide shoulders tapering to slender supple waists , and small pronounced buttocks , with not an ounce of waste flesh anywhere , " says Orwell in Wigan Pier .
11 She put on not an ounce of fat , and always appeared well groomed at golf club or restaurant , as well as at home .
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