Example sentences of "[prep] he [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The one thing Phil is still learning is how to cope when batsmen get after him on a good pitch .
2 Harold acceded at once and I trotted dutifully after him to a small anteroom adjoining the Cabinet room .
3 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
4 The probation found a little stray dog called Benjy for me and I looked after him for a little while , but my money kept on going down and down and down .
5 been round there once or twice after him for a different thing .
6 I looked after him for a few days before he died . ’
7 We stood and stared after him for a few seconds , then one of the mortar team behind me remarked .
8 Dora glared after him for a few seconds before turning away and striding across the garden towards the orchard .
9 They gave up and chased after him through the thin trees .
10 Confused , she went after him down the winding stairs into the kitchen and let him organise hot drinks .
11 Basha looked after him in the small village .
12 Thiercelin began to nudge through the crowd of idlers around the stage door , leaving his friend gazing stoically after him in the late evening rain .
13 It was a skipper from here called Sopite ( he has his street named after him in the old town ) , who made one of the great technological advances in whaling , when he found a way to render the blubber down on board the whaler instead of having to sail all the way back home with it .
14 The ambulance came , and she ended up looking after him in the intensive care unit .
15 She 'd had all of four or five hours , before she 'd come rushing after him like a lovelorn schoolgirl
16 Father Poole pointed to the chair opposite him on the other side of the fireplace .
17 Cup in hand , she was about to sit opposite him at the small kitchen table , but the unwelcoming look in his deep blue eyes changed her mind , and she wandered aimlessly through to the living-room .
18 ‘ WHIT 'S yer name hen ? ’ the drunk and dishevelled man on the train asked the woman opposite him for the fourth time in a very loud voice .
19 When Auntie Jean slammed Uncle Ted 's tea on the table at the end of each day — a meat pie and chips , or a nice bit of rump steak and tartar sauce ( he had n't the nerve yet to go vegetarian ) — she sat opposite him with a stiff drink and demanded facts about Eva and Dad .
20 Following him out of the office and down into the street , sitting beside him in the cab which took them to Covent Garden , sitting opposite him in the warm restaurant full of good smells , candlelight , fresh flowers , her predominant feeling was one of surprise .
21 I walked towards him on the stony track
22 Things , however , came to a head one day when a veterinary surgeon on his rounds , in a regulation Volvo estate , was alarmed to see Noddy tearing towards him on the wrong side of the road , in hot pursuit of a Transit van .
23 The animal seemed to understand Sir John 's words for it lunged towards him with a strangled growl ; its top lip curled , showing teeth as sharp as a row of daggers .
24 He worked for Michael but was n't as subservient towards him as the other boys .
25 His glance had never left her as she 'd tapped towards him across the mirror-like floor , dark eyes sweeping her from head to toe to take in her black high-heeled shoes , black stockings and the stark simplicity of the black wool dress skimming her knees , with a sardonic half-smile .
26 He turned , watching the priest coming towards him through the falling snow .
27 Rooks streamed up towards him from a small area of woodland .
28 Only the line of grim cages among whose bars whined the winter wind , and above them the great plane trees that bent across the sky , their leafless branches bending in the wind like twisted hands that came down towards him from the angry sky .
29 Such a lightning-spattered ending is found , for example , in Passionate Summer ( 1958 ) , where for most of the film the schoolteacher on a Caribbean Island has been keeping at bay the emotions directed towards him by a troubled pupil , the headmaster 's wife and an air hostess .
30 Hurtling towards him in the swirling fog was a huge lorry powerless to stop on the icy carriageway .
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