Example sentences of "[prep] he [conj] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The finished text will , in appearance , be of a professional standard with all that that implies for the child 's image of him or herself as a writer .
2 The Law Society may refuse to cancel an RFL 's entry where there are outstanding complaints about the RFL concerning his or her professional conduct or where there are proceedings pending against him or her before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal .
3 I believe that those sexual practices which fail to recognise the essential humanity of other people are bad ; the man who rapes an unwilling partner , the individual who takes delight in the infliction of pain upon a partner who does not desire it , or the one who forces another into any sexual practice which is obnoxious to him or her is using the " partner " as an object rather than interacting with him or her as a human being .
4 It would be a defence for a person charged to prove that he/she had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him or her in a public place .
5 Specifically , the Commissioner has three functions : ( a ) to keep under review the carrying out by the Home Secretary of the functions conferred upon him or her by the Act ; ( b ) to keep under review the adequacy of any arrangements made for the purposes of restricting the use and distribution of the intercepted material ; ( c ) to give the Tribunal all such assistance as the Tribunal may require for the purpose of enabling it to carry out its statutory functions .
6 Shouting and grey in the face the guard took them from him while everybody in the carriage woke up .
7 The first is the ethical difficulty associated with the need to give a patient the treatment that is believed to be best for him or her as an individual rather than what the statistician 's random allocation might assign .
8 Alternatively , if you , if he says , ‘ Well I want to have a , I read something and I want to have a discussion , ’ you think this chap does n't know anything about it , and you actually do a lot of the work for him or her in the circumstances .
9 An unmarried partner may agree with the surviving relatives that provision will be made for him or her from the estate , but this is not always possible .
10 Under the Finsinger and Vogelsang scheme , the manager is able to capture virtually all the increase in social benefits for him or herself in the form of a bonus in other words the social return is very narrowly distributed .
11 In order to have a claim for payment a creditor must prove the debt owed to him or her by the company .
12 Lear speaks again at line 62 , and in the meantime not one but two of his daughters speak , one to him and one to the audience .
13 She had left Finn , wept commendably few of the scalding tears of blighted love , put a curse on him and her of the knock-knees etc. , donned a dashing dress and gone out to dinner .
14 Her marriage to Prince Charles gave her a new security , not only in giving her status , but also because she could at first rely on him as something of a father figure , or at any rate a slightly square older brother .
15 The award covers what the court considers is reasonably sufficient to compensate the defendant for any expenses properly incurred by him or her in the proceedings .
16 must also insure him or them in respect of any liability which may be incurred by him or them under the provisions of this Part of this Act relating to payment for emergency treatment .
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