Example sentences of "[prep] i when [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Except that you did n't know about me when you went in , so there would be no reason for a bluff , would there ?
2 ‘ Only this time I 'll take it wie me when I go out . ’
3 It 's an N for me when it goes back .
4 Yeah I do , Peter always buys a jar of marmalade for me when I sleeps up there I have .
5 Colleagues covered for me when I slipped out of work to do them .
6 Of course , I 'm very committed to social change , but I leave all that behind me when I get back here .
7 ‘ Will you play with me when you get back , Dad ?
8 ‘ If you get through all right , I 'll take you with me when I go down to the village after evening milking .
9 I think she 's pretty mad at me right now , 'cos I 'm a little bit of a flirt and she gets disappointed with me when I go off with girls .
10 And the very erm she was very anxious to come with me when I went out into the park .
11 She said to me when they find out what it is she could soon have you on your feet , but she thought it were that shadow on me lung .
12 ‘ He 's always nice to me when we go out , in case I start roving . ’
13 He used to have a wrap of his own and he 'd give it to me when he went out .
14 He said ‘ Hell ’ to me when he walked in and ‘ Thank you ’ when it was all over and he walked out .
15 The first thing Toby said to me when I got in was , " Somebody 's been here to see you . "
16 ‘ There 's something that happens to me when I come back home , ’ he says .
17 What will they say to me when I come back home ?
18 If that woman 's the sort who 'll incinerate a whole building , what will she do to me when she finds out I 've heard all this ?
19 The thing is , we met through the Lonely Hearts ads and I 'm afraid my friends will laugh at me when they find out .
20 An' if you mus ' know I like wearin' nice clothes an' I like the way boys look at me when I go down the schtreet an' I like to look sexy an' I like lipstick an' showin' meself off an' all that I enjoy it .
21 dumping himself and running around and banging into doors and things , stupid mutt , so er , erm give him his Bonio , he gets , he now barks at me when I sit down , till I get up and give him his Bon Bonio mum
22 Cos he was looking at me when he come in .
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