Example sentences of "[prep] and [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The declaration stated that the testator in his lifetime ( in consideration that the plaintiff would marry Ellen Nicholl ) agreed with and promised the plaintiff , then unmarried , in the terms of and contained in the following letter : August 11 , 1838 , Gray 's Inn
2 This chapter focuses on the ways in which age discrimination is both a product of and manifested in the social security system .
3 Plato makes Protagoras a proponent of democracy , and Socrates is his antagonist : Now when we meet in the Assembly , then if the State is faced with some building project , I observe that the architects are sent for and consulted about the proposed structures , and when it is a matter of shipbuilding , the naval designers , and so on with everything which the Assembly regards as a subject for learning and teaching But when it is something to do with the government of the country that is to be debated , the man who gets up to advise them may be a builder or equally well a blacksmith or a shoemaker , merchant or ship-owner , rich or poor , of good family or none .
4 Short-term wage work is work that is paid for and contracted for a specific period of time , whether that be a day or a season .
5 Enough has been said to indicate how the institutions and the legal system to which Britain acceded have been able , on the back of the Treaty of Rome and its amendments , to stretch their influence far beyond the economic boundaries hoped for and assumed by the British .
6 After years of being cared for and protected in a human family , the elderly feline disappears one day and is then found dead in a corner of the garden shed next door , or in some even more secretive place .
7 ( Incidentally , I suspect the risks of abuse would be considerably less if the ‘ pay ’ were fought for and won by a united feminist campaign on the grounds that housewives work and deserve money for that reason , than if it were graciously granted by government in a mood of pronatalist , pro-family , antifeminist zeal to cut the costs of the social services . )
8 She knows that even something that seems so simple as giving a wash has to be thought about and done in a sensitive way .
9 The ‘ supply ’ curve is constructed from the relationship between and shown in the left-hand part of the diagram and that between and ( not shown ) .
10 However , it is important that alarm calls have been requested from and agreed with the other person when we are in our right minds .
11 Therefore , it is more accurate to state ( so far ) that collocation information ’ extracted from and used within a specific domain ’ can significantly improve the recognition process .
12 Particular care is required to ensure the letter is requested from and signed by the correct parties .
13 The only conclusion that is possible is , that until satisfactions other than those provided through the physical desires became necessary to enrich life , all that went before and contributed to the human body was ‘ good ’ , and any new philosophy or religion which emerges must be adapted to this .
14 There should be a branch recruitment strategy ( broadly the same for each branch ) which is agreed upon and taken as the personal responsibility of a nominated Branch Recruitment Secretary .
15 There should be a branch recruitment strategy ( broadly the same for each branch ) which is agreed upon and taken as the personal responsibility of a nominated Branch Recruitment Secretary .
16 The knowledge the teacher has , or the team has , of the students themselves and their particular aptitudes , interests and needs , can at this stage be related to and integrated with the chosen theme .
17 As a result of two consultation days held to examine possibilities for greater integration in residential provision for children and young people with special needs , a series of recommendations were made to and accepted by the Social Services Committee in January 1987 .
18 Now , all proposals require the submission of two separate applications , both made to and determined by the local planning authority , though they have to consult the Secretary of State on major works to buildings listed Grade II* or where demolition is involved .
19 The Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation had already said that , as a result of responses to its own proposals for individuals in member firms to be trained up to and tested on a certain level of competence , it was having to reconsider them with an obvious impact on its meeting its 1 January 1994 deadline .
20 The information contained on Form BD8 was previously the main criterion for deciding whether a pupil required education in a special school or an ordinary school , and whether the pupil should be referred to and educated as a blind or a partially sighted child .
21 Each croft had its own allocation of peat banks , the location of which was strictly adhered to and controlled by the local grazing committee .
22 Upon alternative access for heavy vehicles to a public highway being made available to the satisfaction of the local planning authority the use of Gillingham Gate for heavy vehicles shall be discontinued or reduced in accordance with details which shall have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority .
23 As specified previously , items of any data type are added to and deleted from the associated partition of the cache in a pre-defined order .
24 When the modern High Court of Justice was constituted as a superior court of record by the Judicature Act 1873 , by section 16 of that Act the jurisdiction of a large number of existing courts , which are listed by name , was transferred to and vested in the new High Court .
25 The first is where the whole of the programme is provided by and taught at a major centre , as in the case of Bristol Polytechnic ; the second is where the first year is provided extra-murally at a number of associated centres , while the second year only is provided at the main centre , as the case of Portsmouth Polytechnic ; and the third is where both the first and second years are provided at the main and associate centres as at Plymouth Polytechnic and Cornwall Technical College , Camborne .
26 In that case , the opportunity to earn remuneration arose when the appellant obtained the grant of a tenancy of a public house owned by and tied to a large brewery company .
27 The union supported the idea of a national wage for seafarers , determined by and supervised by a National or London Joint Committee of the parties concerned and corresponding Local Joint Committees but proposed that labour should be supplied by the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union .
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