Example sentences of "[prep] and [be] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Regulationists argue that Fordism was part of and was sustained by the United States ' dominance at the international level and the shift to neo-Fordism has coincided with a challenge to the United States ' domination of the international economy .
2 The strength of the culture may be said to lie in the convergence of these orientations — that is , they are compatible with and reinforce one another , and similarly are compatible with and are reinforced by the experience of history .
3 Since the new recruits in the hive had not been tampered with and were stimulated by the light , they misinterpreted the dance of the returning foragers .
4 The majority of the miners had never claimed state benefits before and were intimidated by the whole process .
5 The ‘ introspected self ’ is thus a bodily self , not as someone else 's body appears to and is described by the professional anatomist in his laboratory , but as the anatomist 's own body appears to the anatomist himself . ’
6 He had applied to and been accepted by the Officer Training Corps of the university .
7 Section 1 of the Registered Designs Act 1949 , as amended , defines registrable designs as being : … features of shape , configuration or ornament applied to an article by any industrial process , being features which in the finished article appeal to and are judged by the eye .
8 According to the police evidence ( which the judge at the voir dire preferred ) Francis agreed to plead guilty and sign the notes ; the solicitor advised him not to and was reprimanded by the police .
9 My Lords , for about two and a half years the defendant , Mr. Gary Thomas , made his home with his brother Webster in a council house 29 , Juniper Court , Morris Road , London , E.15 which belonged to and was let by the respondent local authority the Waltham Forest London Borough Council ( ‘ the plaintiffs ’ ) to Webster .
10 Babysave is suitable for babies from three months on and is endorsed by the Portia Trust , a charity which was specially set up to prevent baby-snatching as well as to advise any distraught parent whose child has tragically been snatched .
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