Example sentences of "[prep] be made [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Not generally classified as oriental rugs , despite being made in the Orient .
2 The August outing is now to be to Westcliff , cost two pounds sixty , seventh of August leaving at nine thirty A M payments to be made at the July meeting .
3 There is one other point to be made about the Linn before discussing how it sounds .
4 Sir William dealt with this in his own typical fashion , hanging three Douglas ringleaders there and then , but demanding a like example to be made of the Hamiltons , which was scarcely equitable , since the Douglases had started it all and were three times as numerous as their hereditary foes .
5 Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Arens calls for modifications to be made to the Baker plan .
6 Grant applications have to be made to the EC , the Rural Development Commission and the Department of the Environment , with approvals taking months at a time when speed is of the essence .
7 THERE are changes to be made to the Financial Five table .
8 Soviet-Egyptian relations remained close even after the death of Nasser in 1970 , and the following year , under his successor Anwar Sadat , the two states concluded a fifteen-year friendship treaty , the first of its kind to be made between the USSR and an Arab government .
9 The appeal , to be made by the Umalah ( Muslim clergy ) next Friday in Britain 's 1,000 mosques , comes after a period of relative quiet among campaigners and is being interpreted as a shift towards Mr Rushdie 's more vigorous opponents , including Dr Kalim Siddiqui .
10 Overseas businesses intending to adopt the simplification arrangements must send written notification to LVO 050 , Customs House , 28 Guild Street , Aberdeen , AB9 2DY , confirming : the overseas supplier 's name , address and VAT number ; brief details of the supplies to be made in the UK and when they are to start ; and the name , address and VAT number of the UK customer(s) who will account for the tax .
11 Allowance had to be made in the USA and Australia ( though not in Sweden ) for the impact on union growth of government action .
12 In the 1980s much was achieved in the economy and many essential and fundamental changes had to be made after the IMF was called in in the late 1970s when Labour was in power .
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