Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] of [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His increasing tide of support from the populations of the Arab and wider Muslim world has puzzled Western observers , some of whom had actually believed that the Arabs might be only too glad to be rid of him with Western help .
2 ‘ Glad to be rid of you for a while , ’ she retorted .
3 Once he had told her , in a mood of taunting cruelty that sometimes overtook him , that he had been saving up quietly all these years , enough money " to be rid of you for ever " .
4 Such people were held to be possessed of none of the attributes of pure intellect , the cultivation of which was the purpose of education .
5 Games can be non-threatening be fun to play indicate clearly to the children that a different kind of thought process is going to be required of them in the drama session introduce collaborative ways of working focus and channel energies which might otherwise become distracting create useful opportunities for the teacher to assess the mood and interests of the class .
6 Since nothing seemed to be required of her for the present , Robbie thought , it would do no harm to lean back , just for a moment , and allow her heavy eyelids to have their own way .
7 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
8 If the drafter wishes to ensure that headings are , or are not , taken into account by a court interpreting the terms , a provision to that effect can be included in the definitions or scope of the contract clause as follows : The headings used in these terms do not form part of the contract and no account is to be taken of them in interpreting its provisions .
9 You expect to be notified of anything like that .
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