Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 he would n't of been touching it with this .
2 It illustrates the fact that the child is puzzled or confused about a subject on which he should have had reasonably clear instruction as soon as he was old enough to be taught anything at all .
3 I was grateful to be called anything at all .
4 I was half proud , half ashamed to be using it in this way .
5 But then I really do n't know it 's right for me to be helping you with such dubious assignations . ’
6 The words coming from behind her sent Lindsey Blake whirling to face the speaker , a slim , dark-haired girl of about her own age , who seemed to be regarding her with some amusement .
7 I did n't know whether my imagination was leading me astray when you seemed to be implying something like that . ’
8 If these spaces are not to be compared one to another , and no original research has been carried out , what exactly is the purpose of this well-prepared book ?
9 But I 'm sorry , David , I ought n't to be bothering you with all this at such a time .
10 May we try to do something to make other people 's lives happier and easier — even those people who seem to be doing nothing at all to help us .
11 Every dancer has got a different job to do on the road — as if dancing were n't difficult enough — but you know what most people would say : ‘ It 's art , it 's dance , it 's Britain , you should be grateful to be doing it at all ’ .
12 I 'm going to be partnering you at most of the functions you 'll be required to attend in your professional capacity over the next few weeks . ’
13 British Columbia 's powerful timber industry — led by MacMillan Bloedel , the company that will be doing much of the cutting in Clayoquot — feigned relief at being given anything at all while bemoaning the loss of jobs that the mild restrictions would cause .
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