Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The best Korf could think of was leaving everything to the provincial gentry , which Alexander had tried without success in his Moscow speech of March 1856 .
2 He seemed to be watching her like a hawk , waiting for some reaction .
3 " Oh never mind , Lord Hulton , they seem to be getting them down the hill now and I 'm not in such a panic this morning , anyway . "
4 You are going to be getting them at the end of the case in any event and why should you be kept out of them ?
5 Yeah but are you supposed to be wearing it around the school ?
6 We are immensely proud to be bringing it to the UK for the first time .
7 Ministers are known to be bracing themselves for a series of defeats .
8 After breaking into two local homes and hi-jacking the occupants ' cars the IRA launched their attack on the apparently vulnerable target only to be ambushed themselves by the SAS .
9 He said : ‘ They seemed to be using us as a last resort .
10 I use a small piece of putty over the nozzle for speed and short-term storage ; but if I 'm not going to be using it for a while , I take the top off and place a small piece of Clingfilm over the bottle , then screw the top back on again .
11 If half the records on a track have to be moved one at a time , and a device revolution is required for each movement , additions can take a great deal of time .
12 Now one of the things th we find that when we play an Adam Faith record , we tend to be singing it for the rest of the day you know , like What Do You Want
13 These two things indepen , exist independently of one another , if they are to be checked one against the other , that is a major task which we better start attacking now if that is what required .
14 for not only was the Earl Patrick suspicious of anyone coming from the regency , but he happened at this juncture to be consoling himself with a local lady , in the absence of marital comforts .
15 I would n't put it past him to be slipping something into the juice when nobody 's looking .
16 ‘ But do n't fed any sense of anticlimax , because everyone here wants to meet you , and all sorts of parties are being arranged , and several people are going to be calling you in the morning . ’
17 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
18 You have n't ans answered my question Mr Chairman , I asked you why did the Council vote to this museum on the Norfolk enquired by trust which to be given you by the Suffolk Authority Wild Life Trust
19 The Yorkshire outfit have been producing some good results in their own division , and have lost only one of their eight league games so far , but we saw the big gulf in scoring power between some of the first and lower division clubs in the county competitions and York look to be facing something of a Mission Impossible .
20 The key seems to be shaping it to the particular client .
21 For liberty to be opposing it in the way that they are shows that they do n't remotely understand the best interests of our children or our schools .
22 Ryzhkov made no mention of a referendum in his address on May 24 , however , and subsequently officials appeared to be distancing themselves from the idea .
23 Visible now only in the panoramic view , the young woman appeared to be throwing something towards the few remaining Counsellors .
24 The drift of my rhetoric might seem to be taking me towards a traditional defence of literature , of the imagination , of creativity , of humane values in general .
25 Lewis seemed to be taking it as a personal insult that the family had come to the Hebrides for their summer holiday .
26 Matters relating to your home life and financial security are highlighted and , while you can anticipate some minor gains , benefits or other incentives early this month , sparks may fly just prior to the 16th , when someone appears to be taking you for a fool or expecting you to foot the bill .
27 In suggesting the rule is an inalienable part of the language , Dale Spender ironically assists those she criticises in making their sexism look natural , when she ought to be exposing it as a cultural construct .
28 You seemed to be drawing me like a magnet , and there was Claudine , anyway . ’
29 But you do n't seem to be advocating it as a way forward ?
30 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
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