Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A KURDISH refugee who set fire to himself after being told his application for political asylum in Britain had failed has died , intensifying criticism of the Home Office 's handling of the Kurds ' plight , writes Mike Prestage .
2 After an hour or so we were offered a free drink from the buffet , a new and well intentioned gesture that soon will be seen as an albatross like being asked your height by an undertaker .
3 All I 'm really interested in is receiving your cheque for my repair bill . ’
4 But , as usual , what Mr Gummer was most interested in was sharing his recipe for spit-roasting members of the Opposition .
5 Those who said they ‘ liked ’ or ‘ did n't mind ’ housework seemed to be asserting their attachment to the norms of feminine satisfaction with housewifery .
6 Martinez , another Spaniard , has been rising steadily for years and seems to be reaching her peak after a great three-set victory over Sabatini in the Rome final this month .
7 ‘ But I do n't want to be sharing my life with anyone , gorgeous hunk or not , ’ Shannon had pointed out mildly , managing with an effort not to remind Kelly they 'd been over this ground a hundred times before .
8 They 've been hyped by Kurt Cobain , who seems to be wearing their logo in almost every picture .
9 ( John draws deeply on his joint and seems to be gathering his strength for an onslaught .
10 I suspect that some of the drug barons who shell out money in support of what must be a pretty costly operation regard the academically-minded staff of the OHE as a bunch of eggheads , not to say ‘ wets ’ , who ought to be earning their keep by polishing up the industry 's somewhat tarnished image , and by encouraging sales , instead of spending their time and the companies ' profits on airy-fairy projects which are n't going to rustle up a pennyworth of business .
11 ‘ Expert power ’ is a prized resource these days , when a large percentage of the population appear to be earning their living as ‘ consultants ’ of one description or another .
12 One of the men convicted of murdering the newspaperboy Carl Bridgewater is reported to be refusing his food in a prison hospital .
13 For now he seems to be biding his time on the sidelines , ready to step in , should the UN 's effort start to crumble .
14 There was considerable discussion upon the interpretation of the term " use of force " It was finally agreed that local commanders appeared to be using their discretion in a satisfactory manner … and that it was unwise to makes any further interpretation . "
15 It was finally agreed that local commanders appeared to be using their discretion in a satisfactory manner as to the means used to persuade Jugoslavs that they should return to Jugoslavia , and that it was unwise to make any further interpretation . "
16 If I were to be denied my belief in the almost limitless potential of my students , I 'd give up .
17 Those people who do manage to stay slim but who are eating average foods , highly processed , high in fat , sugar , and salt but low in fibre , are likely to be damaging their health in the long term .
18 And those who could n't afford a half-crown fine , but would rather wait until nightfall to sweep or cause to be swept their bit of pavement , must have been more than grateful that the Trustees would also kindly provide ‘ Lamp Irons or Lamp Posts to be put or affixed into , upon , or against the Walls or Pallisadoes of any of the Houses , Tenements , or Buildings within the said Town , .
19 Now he pretended to be waving his cape at the bull and executed a neat veronica , then she kicked her leg up backwards and touched her heel with her fingers while he looked scornfully on with one hand behind his back palm facing outwards .
20 It was not the thing for a high-ranking police officer with still rising ambition to be eating his supper in Jack 's Fish Bar .
21 If there is uncertainty as to whether the defendant 's negligence has caused the damage , it has to be determined what degree of probability of damage occurring has to be established by the plaintiff .
22 In the Amazon , the numbers of Indians declined , ceasing to be a threat to western expansion , so that by the second half of the last century , they were becoming more of a curiosity , regarded as anachronistic impediments to progress , which had to be educated on Christian lines on the one hand , the true lords of the territory to be given their freedom on the other .
23 I pray that the Faculty will continue to be given its part in New Jersey . ’
24 And what about Elizabeth Murray who has yet to be given her due in any European exhibition of contemporary art .
25 The Brighton-based fighter , who stopped Benn in their WBO middleweight title fight in November 1990 , added : I 've nothing to prove by fighting Benn again , so if we do meet I 've got to be given my passport to retirement . ’
26 Its often volatile president , Jacques Delors , seems to be switching his interest to domestic French politics .
27 I 'd expect them to be wasting their time on this foolish nonsense and not me .
28 Lever Brothers appears to be throwing its weight behind Wisk , its pioneering brand in the fiercely competitive liquid detergent market .
29 He had difficulty ‘ sounding ’ because of this , and it was thought to be affecting his progress in learning to read .
30 In these circumstances they can not be seen to be sacrificing their independence for that would undermine their claims to being objective in taking decisions at work .
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