Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After being instructed on the circuit , racing lines , warning flags , etc , the condemned men were given a hearty meal .
2 He then entered himself at Lincoln 's Inn , and , after being called to the bar in 1789 , began to practise on the northern circuit .
3 Pig horror : New Zealand farmer Kenneth Johnson bled to death after being gored in the groin by one of his pigs while feeding them in a paddock on his small farm at Halkett in the South Island province of Canterbury .
4 Emma Brodie died in Frenchgate shopping centre in Doncaster after being stabbed through the heart with a carving knife by Carol Barratt , 24 , who had attacked another child in the same place weeks earlier .
5 Leslie lost two pints of blood after being stabbed through the heart while trying to arrest a suspected burglar .
6 Mr Jowett needed two hours of delicate micro-surgery after being stabbed in the groin and chest when he tackled a masked intruder at his home on Nov 27 .
7 He needed micro-surgery after being stabbed in the groin and chest when he tackled a masked intruder .
8 THE motorway murder victim Marie Wilks used her Red Cross training to staunch the flow of blood from her jugular vein after being stabbed in the neck , a court was told yesterday .
9 A hospital worker is critically ill after being stabbed in the neck by a patient .
10 A 27-YEAR-OLD hospital worker was ‘ stable ’ in intensive care today after being stabbed in the neck .
11 Brent McCafferty , 26 , was said to be poorly in hospital last night after being stabbed in the arm in an incident outside his home in Colchester Terrace , Sunderland .
12 I suppose I started making records because , after being sacked from the radio , which is what every DJ dreams of , it seemed like there was nowhere for me to go . ’
13 THE UK 's previously disparate regions are suffering an identity crisis after being ravaged by the recession , a major survey shows today .
14 TWO men walked free yesterday after being cleared of the manslaughter of twin teenage girls who died in a barn blaze .
15 The rats eventually managed to press the lever very quickly after being placed in the box , in order to receive their reward .
16 So when , after being filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost , Peter meets the vast crowds in Jerusalem , he does n't hesitate to speak clearly .
17 POOL wizard Daz Ward potted a £100,000 windfall yesterday after being plucked off the dole queue .
18 The Perkins may have come to regret this decision because , after being eclipsed at the exhibition , the demand for their mauve dye decreased rapidly , and they found that the commercial potential for magenta dye had been grossly underestimated .
19 The solution is a seat fitting kit a specially made safety belt which is fixed to the seat after being bolted to the car body .
20 If you wish to encourage mistletoe to grow upon an old apple tree , you should not use seeds which are left after being hung inside the house over Christmas — these will have dried out and besides , winter is not the time to plant them .
21 After being hit on the head with a bottle , Waller lashed out at Terry Malone , 24 , with a chisel .
22 New Zealand saved the follow-on after Nancy Williams defied doctor 's orders and resumed batting after being hit on the head by a fielder 's return .
23 Unfortunately , later in the same year , some months after being hit on the head by a piece of falling masonry , Geoffrey of Vigeois died , and without his chronicle to guide us we are hopelessly ignorant of events in this part of the world .
24 He was said to be ‘ critical ’ yesterday after being hit in the head and body .
25 Mr Barrett , father of two , of High Mickley , Northumberland , had to crawl for help after being hit in the leg and stomach injured .
26 Virgil Miller in his office ; meeting Louise at the sect van ; the ranting , golden-robed Prophet at the Crusade ; the nightmare chase in the bowels of the Washington Centre ; the confrontation with Angel One after the Jim Miller interview ; Louise 's rescue ; Pam 's hand impaled to the table ; Harry Sherman 's bandaged form and the fight with the bogus nurse in the hospital room ; his capture of the Bethlehem House Control and the gunfight in the basement corridor ; the escape from the fire through the underground tunnel ; and lastly the fight with Angel One in the clearing … the fight … he could n't recall anything after being hit in the chest
27 And Julian O'Neill , Widnes ' Australian utility back , is in doubt for their trip to Bradford with a septic finger after being hit in the hand by a dart .
28 FACING TROUBLE : Arsenal 's Ian Wright is treated at Highbury after being hit in the face by a coin thrown from the crowd
29 Bob Holt , a constable with the Gloucestershire force has had four hours of surgery to rebuild his mouth after being hit in the face with a hammer .
30 Francois Roland , 71 , was in hospital last night after being hit in the arm .
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