Example sentences of "[prep] the next few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Security said they 'd send someone over right away , and she busied herself for the next few minutes with the half-dozen patients in the waiting area .
2 It would be vital , as he knew , for the next few exchanges to be transcribed with unimpeachable certitude .
3 I 'll be keeping this for the next few days with me looking after it .
4 ‘ Allocate a man to take care of him for the next few days until his tutor , T'ai Cho , joins him . ’
5 The therapist agreed to see David daily for the next few days in order to provide him with support .
6 However , as we shall have to live with each other for the next few months in an electioneering atmosphere , I refer hon. Members to ’ Erskine May ’ on moderation in language .
7 Joey relaxed , happy in the knowledge that for the next few weeks at least , the place would n't run dry of drugs .
8 They 're based for the next few weeks at RAF Lyneham , which is proud to be playing host to one of the most spectacular display teams in the world .
9 As we begin for the next few weeks on Monday mornings with Jenny , A day in the life , A day in the life of Nottinghamshire County Council .
10 For the next few years at least , the real messy world is likely to be unpredictable .
11 Bomber Command lost over 500 aircraft during the next few months over Berlin , and when you consider that this meant 3,500 fully trained men , it can be realised that it was a critical time .
12 As it was , some 50,000 soldiers were to lose their lives during the next few months in fruitless attacks on Chunuk Bair .
13 The statement added : ‘ Jason 's scientific advisers do not concur with this view and therefore a formal request will be made during the next few days for this non-disclosed information .
14 One of the features of that day will be a series of mini- lecturers on just about every conceivable subject , and during the next few Ideas In Action programmes I shall be talking to some of the lecturers about their topics , hopefully whetting your appetites sufficiently to want to join us on that day to hear more .
15 One of the features of the day will be a series of mini-lectures on just about every conceivable subject , and during the next few Ideas in Action programmes , I shall be talking to some of the lecturers about their topics and , hopefully , whetting your appetites sufficiently to want to join us on June the fourteenth to hear more .
16 His basic unsuitability for parish work was further demonstrated by assignments during the next few years in Liverpool and Glasgow .
17 ‘ Just remember that and we might — just might — be able to get through the next few days without any major problems . ’
18 Busacher rather thought they would rub through the next few days without an open revolt from Gesner .
19 She would get through the next few days of being in the same house as Piers and then she would leave , and she would somehow get through the rest of her life without him .
20 Not being detached for service in America , he probably spent most of the next few years in London .
21 Meanwhile Chris Protheroe , who spent much of the next few months at the massive Boeing plant in Seattle , was trying to discover the origin of the fatigue fracture of the stabilizer rear spar top chord .
22 Now Mr Brownbill , whose plight was taken up by the Echo 's Champ , Bill Jackson , has been told that work will start within the next few days at his South Liverpool home .
23 Now Mr Brownbill , whose plight was taken up by the Echo 's Champ , Bill Jackson , has been told that work will start within the next few days at his South Liverpool home .
24 Mr Will will be learning Novell within the next few weeks for the Library LAN , and should be able to provide assistance if required from July onward .
25 A wide-ranging consultation exercise is an essential part of the Review , and I shall be taking advice within the next few weeks from individuals ( non-computer users included ) as well as from the Computer Users Group .
26 These are among the radical reforms likely to be recommended in the Sheehy report on rank and pay due to be published within the next few weeks alongside a government White Paper proposing changes in police financing and police authorities and the Royal Commission on criminal justice .
27 The 21-year-old sprinter , who failed a pre-Games drugs test in July , is due to appeal to an independent tribunal within the next few weeks against his four-year ban imposed by the British Athletic Federation .
28 He has described the press response in the next few days as a ‘ lunatic uproar ’ .
29 I shall be making a statement in the next few days about offending while on bail .
30 The 25-year-old will cost around £700,000 and the signing is likely to be pushed through in the next few days in time for the Christmas programme .
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