Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Here , here , I second that on H on page thirty one very important one , the county council welcomes the recognition by the joint working party of the importance of meaningful support services to the elected members and the recomme recommendation that the Secretary of State should review and clarify the powers of local authorities to meet costs of services provided to members to enable them to carry out their duties as councillors Now the erm members appointments , appointments of member services sub have been discussing this issue and I would like to point out to members that we are not claiming the amount allowable for the paying members allowances we erm we 're way below the limit that 's allowable by the government Now before anyone say well what have you done about it ?
2 In a BBC Radio 4 programme about the civil rights movement he said :
3 Dammit , it 's the future of the European components business I 'll be talking about . ’
4 This is not often mentioned in the documents , but two of the surviving women compositors I was able to interview said they had started this way .
5 Steven said : ‘ I think we are a stage ahead of the other Rangers teams I 've played with in Europe .
6 So it would not seem unreasonable that you know , from the date of the Financial Services Act it might come in there .
7 As a member of the Scottish Sports Council I was closely involved in setting up arrangements for access to rivers .
8 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
9 At the most critical moment of the Seven Years War it amounted to 4.4 per cent of the total population of the country , the highest proportion of this kind reached in any State during the century .
10 The fear is that when Raytheon completes its overall review of the Corporate Jets business it may move the entire operation to the US .
11 of getting on with the five years plans they 've put too much effort into producing war machines !
12 And anybody here with the technical services department they would confirm that .
13 When I started discussions with the social services department I had an open mind about the service to be delivered .
14 Yes my Lord can I say w , your Lordship says that and for the benefit of the jury , that with the subsequent officers objections I 'm not going to take them through their training or their .
15 He was joking , of course , and when Knightshayes was opened privately under the National Gardens Scheme he would park his wheelchair at the top of the garden and watch the visitors coming along the terrace .
16 In the proportional hazards models we included the potentially confounding variables of age , sex , race , education , marital state , systolic blood pressure , total cholesterol concentration , body mass index , diabetes , physical activity , alcohol consumption , poverty index , and cigarette smoking .
17 In the nine months period it is hoped Ross will break even and the market is predicting the company will move into profit in 1990 .
18 In the course of researching extra material for Pursuit in the Public Records Office I made one lucky and quite unexpected find .
19 Outside the incongruous police trailer she paused and knocked smartly on the door .
20 He might have the advantage of size and strength , but thanks to the martial arts classes she 'd taken as regularly as she could over the past few years , she had a few tricks of her own up her sleeve .
21 As we looked across the water to Corinth and listened to the haunting bouzouki music I saw why so many people return year after year to Poseidon .
22 MANY thanks for the excellent series of articles on the proposed Sports Museum they put the situation accurately and can do nothing but help our cause .
23 At the Slavonic Studies reunion I met several current undergraduates from Campion ; Russian is now compulsory for all first-years at the School .
24 At the local police station it was the Serbian flag , not the federal colours , that was hoisted and saluted before the cameras of state-run Belgrade television .
25 If the matter is not resolved by the small claims procedure it may go forward to a full hearing before a County Court judge in the normal way .
26 Sheep farmer Alison Hunter Blair has a lamb which has been orphaned after it 's mother died , now through a special lamb bank set up by the national farmers union she 'll be able to find a new mother for the lamb .
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