Example sentences of "[noun sg] [being] [verb] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Over half of our total investment of more than £350 million next year will be spent on refurbishment of our sewers and sewage treatment works — the vast majority of this investment being made outside the London area .
2 These 2 men are the guinea pigs in a unique experiment being held in the Harwell labs in Oxfordshire .
3 These 2 men are the guinea pigs in a unique experiment being held in the Harwell labs in Oxfordshire .
4 During a visit to Spain yesterday , the Prime Minister declared he will not allow the French to stop the deal being ratified at the EC 's Edinburgh summit later this month .
5 The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of an experimental programme being undertaken by the Trident Trust .
6 I refer to the lively campaign being waged in the United States which is affecting many of their best-known golf clubs .
7 By 1952 the contacts Ramsey had made in the US led to her being awarded a Smith-Mundt scholarship and she toured the country speaking as an authority on what was then pioneering work being done in the UK .
8 The survey design will take account of work being conducted in the United States as the basis for a comparative evaluation of British and American experiences .
9 Reading in a Sunday paper ( Sunday Mail , 7th September 1975 ) about a borstal boy being visited by the Glasgow Gay Advisory Service ( CGAS ) made tangible the knowledge that I did not have to seek out lurid London clubs to find other women like myself .
10 A second new steam engine being built by the Ravenglass and Eskdale for export to Japan , has already been supplied with a new Llanberis multi-tone .
11 His declared strategy is to ‘ compartmentalise ’ the Lyceum 's programme , with a summer season of farce being followed by the Edinburgh Festival and then a season of classics , after which he hopes to produce some new plays .
12 This decline is postulated to be a classically conditioned decrement , with the consistent absence of any effective event following the target stimulus being viewed as the US that supports the conditioning of inattention ( see Lubow et al .
13 Ferranti International Plc , Manchester , says its Ferranti Technologies Inc unit has won a $9.8m contract amendment to improve the air combat training range being supplied to the United Arab Emirates .
14 The initial Khmer Rouge reaction to the affair was restrained , however , with no specific blame being apportioned to the Phnom Penh regime .
15 COMECON had been created in 1949 at Stalin 's instigation in an effort to co-ordinate the development of East European economies in the post-war period , without having resource to the Marshall Aid Plan being promoted by the United States .
16 The bill appears to guarantee this by the allocation of 8.9 per cent of income for the development of Scottish sport , with a further share of the overall allocation to UK sport being awarded to the UK sports commission , when it is established .
17 The abuse being hurled at the SNP by Labour this week was not theatrical but real .
18 O. cosmica has a widespread distribution being recorded from the Atlantic , Indian and Pacific Oceans .
19 O. rosea has a wide distribution being found in the Pacific off Japan , southern Chile ; South Africa , Marion Island ; and in the Atlantic from the Bay of Biscay .
20 Asked for specific information about waste being shipped to the UK from US military bases by a Labour MP last July , David Trippier , Minister for Environment and Countryside , replied that " the Department of Evnvironment " ( DoE ) has no record of any such imports " .
21 And the cries for help are often not heard until headlines are briefly filled with the story of another body being dragged from the River Foyle .
22 ‘ The business of ‘ fitness ’ and ‘ good health ’ is healthier than ever ’ so says the advertising copy for the National Exhibition of Health & Leisure being staged at the Barbican Centre from 9–12th October .
23 Much more of the danger being generated by the Leeds side desperate for a win .
24 The Welcome Host package being promoted by the Wales Tourist Board stresses that customer care is an important element for any organisation or firm , from leisure centres to High Street shops and from hotels to factories .
25 Hot on the heels of the Vitamin C ointment being tested in the USA comes the launch of a Vitamin D cream in Britain .
26 The Precambrian metamorphic rocks are collectively known as Lewisian , the name being obtained from the Isle of Lewis where they were first described and recognised .
27 Amongst its conclusions , the report welcomes the emphasis being placed by the DSS and Social Security Benefits Agency ( SSAB ) on ‘ customer care ’ , and the recognition that much remains to be done to be sure that an adequate service is given .
28 When it is officially opened next month by King Juan Carlos , it will launch ‘ Any Miró ’ , the season of activities commemorating the centenary of the artist 's birth and culminating in a major survey of his art being organised by the Joan Miró Foundation , Barcelona and the Museum of Modern Art , New York .
29 Those who hope the discovery of commercial qualities of oil off the coastline of Wales will usher in an era of employment and prosperity , must surely be reflecting on the price being paid by the Shetland islanders in the wake of the Braer disaster .
30 UK , Cambridge-based Tadpole Technology plc is touting its Sparcbook notebook as fetching 12.6 SPECmarks , 12.7 SPECint and 12.5 SPECfp , slightly faster than the IPC workstation from Sun Microsystems Inc , claiming it performs integer intensive applications equally as well as it does floating point applications : the Sparcbook is now on the GSA schedule being peddled to the US government by C3/Telos — Genstar Rentals in Palo Alto , California is renting it out .
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