Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There medical ethics did not prove an obstacle , there being divided medical opinions , but the wardship jurisdiction of the court was invoked by a local authority educational psychologist who had been involved with the case .
2 ‘ T' Brownies laid yum acrost t' river one night long ago so'as an old farmwife who 'd been kind to yum could get over to her daughter 's house on t' other side without goin' miles a-down t' river t' bridge . ’
3 By the death , at the age of 66 , of Mr. Philip Henry Thomas which took place after a long illness , on Saturday the 18th instant , at his residence at 13 Rusham Road , Battersea loses a citizen who has been active for 40 years in championing the cause of Liberalism in this borough … .
4 You can hardly expect commitment and company loyalty from an employee who 's been press-ganged into working for you .
5 And God bless Mrs Melburn and this big woman … lady who has been kind to me today .
6 Herbie Connors was the local water bailiff who had been involved in a personal battle of wits with Yanto ever since his return home from the war .
7 In particular , such contempt may be dealt with without there being any formal institution of proceedings as such and by the judge who has been subject to abuse .
8 Two others , a Mr. and Mrs. Ackers , were parents of a deaf girl who had been orally-educated by them at home .
9 Sponsorship forms will then be sent which should be signed by a sponsor who has been present in the Royal Enclosure for at least eight years .
10 They will require a sponsor who has been present in the Royal Enclosure for eight years .
11 On the other hand , the Duchess of Atholl , a Conservative who had been active in support of the Republicans , took a leading part in the Alliance .
12 It was a place he had visited three times — once to be seen ; the second time to appreciate the sermon which he had afterwards discussed outside the small West Door with the vicar who had been impressed by his distinguished visitor 's passionate piety .
13 Once again Abbot Bere came to greet us in the guest house , accompanied by a monk who had been absent at our earlier meeting .
14 Joxe 's position was taken by Philippe Marchand , previously a Minister-Delegate at the Interior Ministry who had been responsible for Territorial Collectivities and Civil Security .
15 Classically , when a person has a prognosis of terminal illness the next of kin will be given the information by a member of the hospital team who has been involved in the treatment of the ill person .
16 It was opened in 1985 by its owners , Tim and Kit Kemp , and it is Kit who has been responsible for the interior decor throughout .
17 ‘ ( 1 ) The ex turpi causa defence ultimately rests on a principle of public policy that the courts will not assist a plaintiff who has been guilty of illegal ( or immoral ) conduct of which the courts should take notice .
18 Then Vera Volkova , the Russian teacher who had been influential in England , taught the Royal Danes for 25 years , changing their style and giving them a more modern technique .
19 D = teacher who has been involved in the design of the unit .
20 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
21 Very often I spend long days on my allotment , and cook quite nice dinners of , say , breast of mutton and peas and fruit off the allotment for myself and a [ woman ] friend who has been ill for a long time … .
22 Then he looked up at the new young golden eagle who had been available under special government licence and brought in as her replacement .
23 I interviewed the deputy head who had been instrumental in initiating the scheme and gained the school 's consent for the study .
24 A criminal bankrupt and a person who has been subject to a previous bankruptcy can only apply for their discharge after the end of five years from the commencement of their bankruptcy ( s 280(1) ) .
25 An older person who has been accustomed to being in charge does n't suddenly stop feeling responsible for other people just because he or she has gone into a Home .
26 Any adult who has been concerned with the design of type has re-experienced the need to see the importance of features ( thin and thick strokes , serifs , and so on ) of which they were previously unaware .
27 He points out : ’ A court faced with a young offender who has been involved in the taking of vehicles , even though it may be his third or possibly fourth appearance , can not simply pass a deterrent sentence on the basis of the prevalence of such offending in the locality Section 1(4A) ( b ) of the 1982 Act deals with protecting the public from serious harm from the offender .
28 ‘ A charitable woman who had been active in the Nationalist movement gave us rooms in an old house and collected money from her friends .
29 ‘ That woman who 's been good to you , would she have her if you asked ? ’
30 The change of status , too , from ‘ wife , to ‘ widow ’ is felt very keenly by most women as a loss of considerable significance , which indeed it is ; for without a partner , a woman who has been married for some years may , unless she already has well developed interests outside her home , find that her social life is suddenly transformed in a very disturbing way .
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