Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun sg] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Unless there are good and generally agreed reasons for doing otherwise , the rule which readily minimises conflict is simply to decrease each department 's budget by the same percentage .
2 To get round the fact that the CSMA/CD carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection protocol prevents two nodes from transmitting data at the same time , so that video signals could get interrupted , isochronous Ethernet time-stamps the packets so they can be guaranteed to arrive at the recipient 's computer at the same time .
3 However , the similarities were more compelling than the differences : and , by chance , the courts were considering a case of valuer 's negligence at the same time .
4 Despite the fact that the DoH expects our contribution to the voluntary sector to stay at about 20 per cent , we will still have some problems keeping the voluntary sector 's involvement at the same level as last year ’ .
5 With lexical verbs , the infinitive evokes its event as incident to a support which receives the incidence of the lexical verb 's event in the same time-stretch as that required to represent the infinitive 's actualization .
6 When the matter was debated in the Dáil , Fianna Fáil opposed the government view , and de Valera himself supported the local population 's opposition on the same religious grounds .
7 Noisy Californian roustabouts PAVEMENT are currently getting into a bit of a lather as some upstart garage band from Sacramento called SPIRAL STAIRS are laying a claim against Pavement 's guitarist of the same name , saying that they have an ‘ entertainment copyright ’ on the name and want some compensation .
8 For example , imitation of a writer 's use of language involves an active response that requires the pupil to make meaning yet to show a grasp of the original author 's craft at the same time .
9 In relation to a repetition test , he argues that the negro children who failed because they did not repeat the teacher 's utterance in the same form were really being failed for a different attitude to surface detail .
10 Afterwards she found herself back at the Collector 's bedside in the same churning confusion of day and night .
11 To test this hypothesis , measures of perceived similarity or difference between situations are required which may subsequently be related to measures of similarity or difference in a person 's behaviour across the same set of situations .
12 This was obviously not a name that tripped off the tongue , but the lads rose to it manfully , while managing to weep , groan and , from the sound of it , pull out lumps of each other 's hair at the same time .
13 During the past 40 years the two Germanys have gradually come closer together economically while bolstering each other 's separateness at the same time .
14 According to such a theory , if we , in English , call both our mother 's brother and our father 's brother by the same term — ‘ uncle ’ — it is because these two relatives are , to us , the same ‘ kind ’ of relative , and that probably the fact that we use the one word causes us to see them in that way .
15 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
16 A large blonde girl waved at me from across the room , spilling a large part of her drink down the back of another woman 's dress at the same time .
17 But she put it up here , I think probably to make it easier , I mean if anyone 's had , I do n't know if anyone had children in the seventies when it was the fashion to wear very long skirts , or even as I find going up and down stairs in my nightie , you 're more than likely to fall and break a leg and the baby 's neck at the same time , if you wear a long skirt .
18 Middlesbrough 's Andy Green hopes for a repeat of last season 's result at the same stage , when he stopped George Naylor in the second round .
19 Is it really possible for a woman to break a man 's penis in the same way that one can break a wrist or an arm ?
20 Bondagers were paid half a man 's rate for the same work .
21 Bondagers were paid half a man 's rate for the same work .
22 These were plain plates , often very detailed anatomical studies in a large quarto format ; if coloured , as some plates were in the Linnean Society 's journal at the same time , the cost would be still higher .
23 Held , refusing the declarations , that a basic valuation prepared by an employee of a building society was an ‘ action taken by the society in relation to ’ the grant of a further advance within section 83(1) of the Act and since it constituted part of the society 's process of administration , such a valuation , if negligently prepared , could amount to maladministration within paragraph 1 ( d ) of Part III to Schedule 12 to the Act ; that , on the documentation used by the plaintiff societies , a house buyers ' valuation prepared by an employee created a contract between the society and the borrower , which if negligently prepared could amount to a breach of the society 's contractual obligation within paragraph 1 ( a ) of Part III to Schedule 12 ; that although the alleged want of due skill and care might relate to matters not affecting the society 's assessment of the adequacy of the security , the valuation was in reality a single process amounting to an action within section 83(1) ; and that , accordingly , the ombudsman had jurisdiction under the scheme set up under the Act to investigate and determine complaints arising out of basic valuations , house buyers ' valuations , and , since there was no relevant distinction in the nature of the contractual relationship , structural surveys by a society 's employee in the same circumstances ( post , pp. 145A–H , 150B — 151A , H — 152A ) .
24 ? The poisoned chocolate entered the Contessa 's mouth at the same instant that the yacht entered that of the river .
25 At the bottom is an artist 's impression of the same view after the construction of the glorious barrage , creating a permanently high water-level and transforming the 600-acre tidal estuary into a 600-acre lake .
26 Second , about one-third of untrained new entrants should have the opportunity of an additional year 's training on the same scale as they receive in their first year ; together these might lead to a formal qualification .
27 If we turn now , to page B two , this presents the information for the County Treasurer 's Department for the same format .
28 A fortnight 's time at the same time , six thirty ?
29 If there was any honour in this Government , Mr Heseltine 's resignation would have been on the Prime Minister 's desk at the same time as the High Court judgment .
30 The majority of the Parish Council felt that their comments on applications 02/91/1443 and 02/92/0124 ( for an agricultural worker 's dwelling on the same site ) still apply to the present application .
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