Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He attributed the Association 's lack of appeal to its domination by Church of England clergy and lay churchmen , leaving no room for either non-conformists or uncommitted lay people .
2 Given the Association 's fall in membership since the late 1940s , and given the views canvassed by some who worked in the field , exemplified by Bruce in The Highway , there were real fears that the WEA would lose its status as a Responsible Body .
3 You might as well hope to get manure from a rockin' horse 's backside as help from Him . ’
4 The contractor 's provision of float within the programme is there to cover items that are at the contractor 's own risk and in general should not be used to abate any extension of time to which the contractor may be entitled .
5 The captain , Phil Carrick , last month put the cat among the pigeons , or his head upon the block ( depending upon each Yorkshireman 's point of view on his county 's cricket , without which no Tyke is properly dressed ) by writing a letter , with his players ' support , in which he advocated the abandonment of the holy writ , the birth qualification .
6 When Labour faced the polls in October 1990 , it was reduced to a 29-seat rump in the 99-seat parliament , caused , analysts agreed , by the electorate 's lack of confidence in the reforms and distaste for the social cost .
7 But this spring 's burst of blossom on older trees in the garden has had me thumbing through the catalogues again .
8 The House of Lords applied the but for test to restrict the defendant 's liability for loss of earnings to the period before the onset of the disease .
9 Other critical statements made about a plaintiff are irrelevant unless they shed light on the defendant 's state of mind at the time he wrote the article which gave rise to the action .
10 Where visitors have contributed to the injuries they have sustained due to the defendant 's breach of duty under the OLA 1957 , then the damages to which they are entitled may be reduced .
11 Hearing of defendant 's application for order under section 18 of Act of 1988 adjourned in accordance with regulation 143 of Regulations of 1989 .
12 In 1988 the plaintiff applied for a charging order on the defendant 's house in respect of damages , interest and costs .
13 I love it , that trainer 's comment with practice on something we did n't do .
14 That is a testament to Nuclear Electric 's management in respect of that project , which is a major achievement by British industry .
15 ‘ Build up to standard , not down to a price ’ was the motto of the Strand Theater Company , who had now so dramatically brought about the movie 's coming of age in Chicago .
16 The report also details the car 's contribution to pollution of soil , air and water by oil , cadmium , lead , copper , chrome , zinc and polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) .
17 The programme 's provision for acquisition of works by museums also gives dealers an incentive to show similar works .
18 It is a reflection on the ITF competitions , the television exposure , the prestige of these events , and also on the Marketing Department 's commitment to excellence in servicing the needs of our sponsors .
19 The postholder will be placed in one of the enforcement sections and will participate in the Department 's programme of rotation for Senior Trading Standards Officers and Trading Standards Officers .
20 The organization of the message into information units of given and new reflects the speaker 's sensitivity to the hearer 's state of knowledge in the process of communication .
21 Also , Teesdale , with its views of the revitalised Tees , will be an appropriate home to Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution from May this year .
22 It is not enough compensation to read on your contemporary one that Her Majesty 's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs requests and requires .
23 He said : ‘ I give the House a full assurance that , in the event of the introduction of executive detention , it would be carried out by Her Majesty 's Government in line with legislation passed by this House . ’
24 I give him and the whole House a full assurance that in the event of the introduction of executive detention , it would be carried out by Her Majesty 's Government in line with legislation passed by this House and retained by this Government on the statute book .
25 For that reason , it is worth thinking about what is interesting about you from a journalist 's point of view before trying to woo him or her with your beautiful noise .
26 By monitoring the cell 's behaviour during treatment by such a piezo-electric technique , it is possible to measure and control the progress being made in reversing the transformation process .
27 More recently I have been on the phone to Minsk , Nottingham 's twin town , in connection with the Lord Mayor 's appeal for aid to the victims of Chernobyl .
28 All the students had successfully completed Longlands College 's preparation for entrance to the uniformed services course .
29 Tom Drake or Anne Galloway of the Assessment Department will be happy to discuss any aspect of the college 's assumption of responsibility for assessment or to give information on the systems which other centres are adopting .
30 This sums up well this chapter 's exploration in search of happiness .
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