Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They hope to raise £1 million for the upkeep of the Manor which dates back to the 13th century .
2 It 's tempting to stop at every village you come across on your travels — at Spili , we paused to drink from a Venetian fountain where stone lionheads spouted clear spring mountain water ; at Preveli we visited the famous monastery which looks out to the south coast ; driving through the Psiloritis mountains we braved the wind to climb down the Kourtaliotiko Gorge and saw the tiny church of St Nicolas .
3 Behind this board ( called a pathfinder ) is the start boat which motors along at the same speed as the board .
4 He will make a recommendation which goes back to the Department of the Environment , who will make the final decision as to whether the building should be listed .
5 Rising stress claims have also been bad news for big employers like Wells Fargo Bank , the California institution which echoes back to the stage coach era .
6 Also , the fence which runs out into the the lake er just breaks up the the distance between the the piece of wood and the bank .
7 Behind this are a separate small locker , and the battery tray which slides out of the fuselage side .
8 At Scotney Castle in Kent Henry Moore 's bronze statue , Three Piece Reclining Figure — Draped , was placed in 1977 on a romantic isthmus which juts out into the well-wooded lake in the middle of which the old castle crouches on its island .
9 Visibility from the left-hand seat is above average for an American aircraft ; you can see all around , except for about 30° in the rear , and visibility upwards is acceptable but slightly degraded by the roof which wraps around to the sides of the cabin .
10 At a corner table , three men and an ample woman in an apron played cards noisily , the slap of the cards punctuated by bursts of virtuoso coughing , that cavernous café cough which echoes up from the boots .
11 Rosalind Ingrams performing the honours with Garsington 's latest bit of kit — a forty thousand pound specially designed canopy which opens out over the stage — protecting the performers .
12 Notable is the outstanding , densely-wooded Haleakala National Park which leads down to the sea .
13 It is a link which goes back to the Bronze Age and was common throughout the British Isles in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries .
14 English winemakers are always having to put up with this kind of jibe , despite possessing a viticultural heritage which dates back to the Romans .
15 At the church , note the direction of route which proceeds down between the two lakes and then keeps half left towards a barn and which is to left of and below distant tower of Preston Capes church .
16 It complements EE in many ways and builds into a living encyclopaedia of electronics which keeps up with the ever advancing world of technology through regular updates/supplements .
17 On the other hand , it is my opinion that when a decision-making body is called upon to reach a decision which arises out of the relationship between two persons or firms , only one of whom is directly under the control of the decision-making body , and it is apparent that the decision will be likely to affect the second person adversely , then as a general proposition the decision-making body does owe some duty of fairness to that second person , which , in appropriate circumstances , may well include a duty to allow him to make representations before reaching the decision .
18 Man too has a mechanism of mimicry which goes back to the baby in the cradle answering its mother 's smile , older than any utilization for learning how others feel or how to pick up skills or even for play , and which can get out of control in neurotic echolalia and echopraxia .
19 Lyricism , then , is the poetry which sings along with the triumph of the proletariat , and with the repressions which accompany its triumph .
20 Few of the million or so visitors who take advantage of the Garden as a public amenity each year are aware of the scientific heritage behind the Garden , or indeed of the high level of scientific work which goes on behind the scenes today .
21 I met a teacher recently , one of our best , the sort of charismatic individual with a ready smile , a mind full of anarchic ideas , a love of literature and an effortless but much practised classroom skill which bounces back from the interested eyes 0& his students .
22 At the beginning we are confronted by a huge battle which leads on to the deaths of loyal knights .
23 Cantilever An outsole which flares out at the bottom to dissipate shock and aid cushioning and stability .
24 Inside , the room is richly decorated with a fine scrolled plaster overmantel , dated 1572 , and a little musicians ' gallery which looks down into the hall through a row of arches set high up in the cornice .
25 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
26 This small site is simply a three-sided plot which extends down to the road , its largest border merging into a vast hectarage of vines which have to be grafted in order to survive the threat of phylloxera .
27 We took them to lunch at the Bull Inn which dates back to the 15th century , and afterwards explored the local market .
28 The akroteria included mounted Amazons , a theme which carries on from the metopes .
29 This is a process which goes back to the two questions raised on page 66 :
30 The result is an oxygen linkage and a molecule of water which goes off in the sap .
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