Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [vb past] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
2 What precipitated the final crisis with Penda and the attack on Oswiu which culminated at the Winwaed on 15 November in 655 or 656 is obscure but Penda was almost certainly the primary moving force , the centre of a coalition which included Cadafael , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) , Aethelhere , king of the eastern Angles , and Oethelwald , king of the Deirans ( HE 111 , 24 ) .
3 a nationalism which stood upon a critique of the very idea of civil society , a movement supported by the bourgeoisie which rejected the idea of progress , the ideology of a political organisation fighting for the creation of a modern national State which accepted at the same time the ideology of ‘ enlightened anarchy ’ .
4 The one who had accompanied him chasing the car simply glowered in the direction it had gone , while the other one , who had n't fired a shot , writhed by the roadside , trying to clutch a leg which trailed at an unnatural angle .
5 Metty is a misfit , as Golding 's Matty is in Darkness Visible , a novel which appeared at the same time as Naipaul 's .
6 In a sense it is a personal keeping of the ‘ minutes ’ of what occurred at conferences or in battles which will remind the writer what happened at a precise time in the course of events .
7 How much to vary the product according to the market was a problem which hit at the very heart of the business .
8 I stood at the edge of a circle of standing stones , each eight to ten foot high , with a massive central stone which leaned at a perilous angle .
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