Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [vb past] [adv prt] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was , he said , threatened with murder ; and when he travelled round his diocese he was preceded by a troop of horse which broke up the illegal meetings .
2 I pulled up in a gateway , Sam jumped out and we went through into a field ; and as the beagle scampered over the glittering turf I stood in the warm sunshine amid the melting frost and looked back at the dark damp blanket which blotted out the low country but left this jewelled world above it .
3 If they were satisfied that it was truly a consequence of dishonesty which brought about the further charge and there was , in substance , no difference between that and the first charge , plainly there had been an abuse of process .
4 By contrast Marx and Engels saw the proletariat 's mission as breaking down the restrictions of capitalism which held back the full development of technology ; and they rejected as utopian any form of transition to socialism which was not brought about by a genuine ( and almost certainly violent ) social revolution .
5 The financial crisis which brought down the Labour government caused a rapid increase in the cost of unemployment assistance , an increase which pre-Keynesian economic theory held to be highly undesirable .
6 Usually held in October , it lasted for eight days and met outside the North Gate near the sloe tree which gave it its name of Sloe Fair ; discipline and disputes were enforced by a ‘ pie-powder ’ ( dusty feet ) court which sorted out the inevitable problems .
7 How did the implementers of the monetarist nonsense which brought about the first recession manage to produce a second recession ?
8 Harry thinks that this fruit house is almost unique ; that is , he knows of one other which started off the same but has since been altered .
9 BOSNIAN Serbs and their Serbian backers were yesterday condemned for war atrocities by the United Nations Human Rights Commission which singled out the systematic rape of thousands of Muslim women for particular criticism .
10 Incest was another area which pointed up the growing convergence of opinion between purists , women 's groups , the police and the Home Office .
11 There was something about the woman which brought out the official streak in Wycliffe and with it the pompous , well-rounded phrases : ‘ I 'm afraid that we shall have to look into your brother 's affairs and into his relationships both inside and outside the family .
12 She tried to hold up her long skirts with her free hand , grateful for the moment to the intermittent lightning which showed up the worst of the puddles ahead .
13 Sorry , my my my other point is about about Ryedale , and and and its its and its its unde its relationship to Southern Ryedale , and erm Mr Smith said that erm as far as Ryedale Council are concerned they ca n't identify any more land within Southern Ryedale , well of course they would say that because was there position at the Southern Ryedale plan , but the fact of the matter is that there was a great dispute at the York greenbelt Southern Ryedale plan enquiry , revol resolving around the issue of what were the bits of the greenbelt which made up the historic character and thereby what were you left with that potentially could be developed , albeit it might be reserved as white land in the first place , but could potentially be developed , and a great deal of this land on the disputed side lay in Southern Ryedale , that in that in fact there was a view around the table not only sh not only shared by by the developers side , but erm that large parts of Osbaldwick and Huntingdon did n't fall within the definition of greenbelt as as set out by by the County Council in their N Y Two Two document , now that matter clearly has got to be something left to the Inspector and the Greenbelt Inquiry , but I think it 's fair to point out that there is actually a difference of view , so it 's not an absolute position , that you ca n't identify more land within within Southern Ryedale , and indeed , erm , not that I want to raise the Local Government Commission 's head again , but of course the Local Government Commission is proposing that York be a unitary authority expanded , and once Yor , if York does become a unitary authority expanded then some of these areas will fall within their area , and they may have a different view than er the Ryedale current Ryedale district council does , and therefore I think it is a little unsafe to take just at pure se pure face value , that there is no more land within Southern Ryedale that could be developed .
14 One popular theory was that it was propagated by the miasma which hung about the damp , insanitary places such as overcrowded burial grounds .
15 At a recent press conference in Lahore , Nawaz Sharif claimed that it was his peace mission which brought about the joint US-Soviet communique which embarrassed the Bush government on the eve of Bush 's ‘ State of the Nation ’ address .
16 A quick cup of tea with Ewen and then on to the Loganair Twin Otter which slithered up the slushy runway and took the over-sea route to avoid the worst weather en route to Barra stopping at Benbecula .
17 See again Mushtaq 's lovely googly which sank Hick and the speedy Akram incutter which took out the dangerous lewis first ball : Fairbrother 's heroic counterattack , his face genuinely strained : that final catch to clinch Pakistan 's victory … off Imran 's final ball in international cricket ?
18 Gregory 's programme of radical reform depended upon the law and a renewed interest in legal study and declaration provided the impetus which sparked off the legal renaissance of the twelfth century .
19 Their arguments were deliberately couched in language which played down the revolutionary implications of the legislation and was designed to convince doubters that no changes of any real significance were taking place .
20 Thus , playing to the Germans ' appeal for order , these two brave Frenchmen secured for the trade a buffer in the form of the CIVC which took on the day-to-day unpleasantries of dealing with an alien administration .
21 short winter days , with stock outside and bad weather which slowed down the feeding process ;
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