Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In an article written in the mid-century , ‘ Home is Home , be it never so homely ’ , Henry Mayhew argues that ‘ if the idea of ease be essentially connected with the English notion of home , certainly that of comfort forms a special part of it ’ .
2 The policy basis for this solution is that it is desirable that some points of law of general public importance be finally resolved by the House of Lords .
3 Please can the average age of the Alumni body be better reflected by the membership of our Alumni Committee which , judging from their photograph , is well beyond 65+ ?
4 Agree that charges for the Remuneration Certificate service be not introduced at the present time .
5 Some Canadian courts fell into the practice of declaring that ‘ controversial ’ evidence should not be taken by an examiner out of the jurisdiction ; it was better that such evidence be fully tested in the trial court .
6 For while " Socrates " might on occasion be deliberately turned into a general term — as happens , for example , in sentences like " He is another Socrates " — substance " can not be significantly used in such a way at all .
7 In order to show how human biology relates to the model for nursing , the authors suggest that the AL of communicating be particularly associated with the larynx containing the vital vocal cords , and the mouth , tongue and lips ; the nervous system including the sense organs ; and the endocrine system .
8 Any progress on carbon taxes , however , would depend on EC-wide agreement , and its eventual structure would in any case be strongly influenced by the Treasury .
9 Under no circumstances should a bounced cheque be ever returned to a customer .
10 So far , there has been no review of the way in which the British procedures operate and what the consequences are should a pupil be wrongly failed at a particular level which employers may come to accept as appropriate for some jobs .
11 Only through membership would her economy be sufficiently exposed to the rigours of competition .
12 Worse , although Thornton knew that Hayling saw himself as a potential chief executive , he demanded that the business side of the paper be immediately put under the direction of ‘ an upfront businessman with a solid track record ’ .
13 Of the single unitary voyage , worth 1.00,0.61 will have contributed to the election of Paisley , 0.10 will have contributed to the election of Craig , and 0.29 can pass to a third candidate ; and should that candidate be consequently elected with a transferable surplus , the 0.29 of a vote can , down-valued yet again , pass to yet a fourth candidate .
14 Eliot 's concern that his own urban society be well founded on a necessary myth was accentuated by the realization that this society was now annihilating other very different forms of civilization .
15 No contemporary anthropologist , social or other , would want to argue that people of different culture must on that account be automatically ranked in a hierarchy superior/inferior .
16 Erm , I will move to note the concern of the planning and environment committee , and to ask the officers to ensure that when planning applications are submitted , for the conversion of county council owned residential accommodation to other uses , that , the matter be not determined until the policy and resources committee has been consulted .
17 In fact , it is quite hard to think of a dream-image which can not in some way be ingeniously linked to an aspect of the dreamer 's sex-life , lack of it , or attitudes towards it .
18 Nor can the charge of time-serving be wholly accepted of a prelate who was on good terms with John XXII , who protested against the king 's retention of the Templars ' lands , and whose piety was esteemed by contemporaries .
19 Billed as ‘ the most comprehensive display in Britain of the vast range of designed consumer and household products made in this century ’ , the 20th Century Gallery is an elegantly preserved and rich collection which will no doubt be extensively used by a variety of audiences .
20 Applications shall be considered on behalf of the Senate by the board of the faculty which , in granting leave of absence , may prescribe that the student be required on resumption of studies to repeat any part of the course of study or research , or that the point of resumption be not decided until the time of the student 's return .
21 Sure , the DNA was perhaps a little preoccupied with carrying the genetic memory , but could not the memories of a lifetime be readily encoded in the myriad of potential unique protein sequences ?
22 But as we have seen , the text will in fact be repeatedly scattered around the available ‘ gaps ’ on the disc .
23 Those two there that look like twins half an inch apart : they may in fact be nauseatingly sundered by a long light-time of depth , united only by the angle of our point of view .
24 A Soviet Government statement on 3 July 1987 suggested that ‘ all warships not situated in the region be shortly withdrawn from the Gulf and that Iran and Iraq in their turn should keep from actions that would threaten international shipping ’ .
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