Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The driving force that keeps you on the road best .
2 This makes me wonder if it is the creative thought that guides the discoverer or whether it is the emotion that is the creative force that impels him to the solution .
3 If you go along to a good quality golf course they have the score card a planner but they also have a little script that tells you about the hole .
4 Because now I know there 's nothing behind the fancy shirt that interests me in the slightest . ’
5 A presence that disturbs me with the joy
6 So Madam I 'm asking you to say that these circumstances , this is the sort of case that should never have come before the court , it should 've been sorted out between the parties themselves , with the aid of their solicitors , and that it 's only the overreaction of the police in this particular circumstance that brings him before the court here .
7 One has to travel through the middle of Cardiff , or through a curious maze that takes one off the western approaches , along the new dockland link road .
8 In doing a campaign that takes you around the country on tour you may visit the local newspaper , talk to a consumer group , make a speech over a special lunch for local important big-wigs and then do an interview on the local radio .
9 now we 're going to finish off with a sport that enjoys itself in the summer … grass track racing … thousands were out over the weekend to watch the midland finals in Worcestershire
10 Johnny Rotten sings flat , the song is laughably naive , and the overall feeling is of a third-rate Who imitation , but even so there 's a certain neurotic aggression that distinguishes it from the rest of this week 's insipid bunch . ’
11 It is a kind of debunk manquée , not the whole hog sort that keeps you on the edge of your chair waiting for yet more astounding revelations , but in a snider kind — like those Sunday supplement interviews which are dressed up as journalistic frankness , but whose real purpose is barb and innuendo . ’
12 • If you make a move that takes you beyond the last circle on the grid , you must count back to complete that move before continuing forward with the next move .
13 It had begun to rain : the kind of damp , penetrating drizzle that chills you to the bone .
14 The acquisition of a skill is a tortuous process that takes us through the following sequence :
15 Nationally the Liberals , chaired by David Moorish and boasting a logo that resembles something from the side of a soap powder box , will field around 70 candidates the next nearest is in Leeds .
16 Even if I did n't have a job that keeps me at the other end of the country for most of the year , this sort of place could n't provide a living .
17 " It is not a job that brings him into the public eye , but , believe me , he is one of the most trusted officers of the bank . "
18 MURDER , love affairs , violence , robberies , mounting debts … our soap operas are packed full of every gloomy scenario that surrounds us in the real world .
19 In supporting the Bill at its Second Reading in the House of Commons , the Minister of State at the Home Office , Mr Alexander Lyon , explained the Bill 's overall purpose thus : ‘ If a man has committed an indiscretion that brings him before the courts and results in his being convicted and penalised , it must be right that after he has served the penalty and lived it down by a substantial period of good conduct thereafter , it should be without meaning for most people of good will . ’
20 Initial domiciliary assessments are carried out by either a medical or a non-medical team member by using a semistructured schedule that guides them through the various clinical , functional , social , and other components of the assessment .
21 Then the reader 's fingernail will be able to produce the scent of clematis that wafts in through my window , the foie gras that awaits me at lunch , the liquid inspiration that gets me through the final paragraph .
22 In addition , she is keenly involved in Headway ( I 'm the Avon patron ) , the Frenchay based charity that concerns itself with the effects and remedial care following head injuries .
23 The break with this structure of belonging can be announced only through a certain organisation , a certain strategic arrangement which , within the field of metaphysical opposition , uses the strengths of the field to turn its own stratagems against it , producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system , fissuring it in every direction and thoroughly delimiting it .
24 However , he begins , after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed , by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs :
25 It 's the news that keeps you on the move .
26 Someone who trails in on his own faces the possibility of being over the time limit that eliminates him from the race as a whole .
27 The idea that there is some grand unified theory that determines everything in the universe raises many difficulties .
28 A quick , sharp beverage that hits you in the throat and then in the guts ; that changes , perhaps only for a time , your way of seeing the world ?
29 And then I 'll sell it to another store that sells it on the ground floor . ’
30 This means , in effect , that each Alu sequence that inserts itself into the chromosomes carries with it the means to get out again and reinsert itself somewhere else .
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