Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [pers pn] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The EP was ‘ brought in ’ in response to the teachers ' perception that they lacked the skills to manage George 's behaviour .
2 It is to facilitate the translation of the dramas of sub-conversation and activity below the surface of consciousness that she abandons the conventions of linear narrative , normal chronology , plot and characterization .
3 The controversy surrounding the work of Telman Gdlyan and Nikolai Ivanov , chief corruption investigators with the USSR Procurator General 's office , came to a head on April 18 when the USSR Supreme Soviet voted to refuse a request by the Procuracy that it rescind the mandates of the two men to sit in the Congress of People 's Deputies , so that they might face criminal charges relating to coercion of suspects and witnesses .
4 Our subject points towards wider horizons , offering a further dimension of perception and perspective , giving us at least the illusion that we transcend the confines of time .
5 It 's true we were acquainted , with the result that I discovered the imposture as soon as her doppelgänger arrived .
6 It 's not called like a golf club that you hit the ball with ?
7 Circumcision as a rite had been performed in Israel for many centuries , but it was only with the exile that it assumed the character of a covenantal sign between God and his chosen people .
8 And it was in this frame of mind that I undertook the journey to visit a witchdoctor who reputedly had the ability to establish contact between a person and their ancestors .
9 Members of the senior management within the health service have The Northern Echo that they believe the merger question will crop up once the purchasing consortiums have begun operating .
10 He told the ECHO that he thought the teachers ' action which has left thousands of exam papers unopened , was a ‘ great tragedy ’ .
11 ‘ Take a turn with me , Doctor , and I 'll lay my faith to your scepticism that I make the weir and back before you . ’
12 This was not Dickens ' fault that he changed the ending , he was practically forced to do it by a friend .
13 Lord Aldington , who lives at Knoll Farm , Aldington , Ashford , Kent , is claiming libel damages over allegations in a pamphlet that he arranged the repatriation of around 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs , knowing they would be massacred on their return .
14 Lord Aldington , former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party , who lives at Knoll Farm , Aldington , Ashford , Kent , is claiming libel damages over allegations in a pamphlet that he arranged the repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs , knowing they would be massacred .
15 MacDonald 's reply — ‘ I explained my hopeless parlty. position if there were any resignations ’ — is a clear indication that he found the idea of a National Government distasteful ; indeed , that his position was likely to be ‘ hopeless ’ .
16 Among our samples , for instance , 79 per cent of the spouses said at first interview that they wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home , compared with 36 per cent of the non-spouses .
17 And it 's funny because the last car that I saw the fellow 's from I saw the fellow 's who did it .
18 When the gentleman in your office , however , addressed me not as Mrs Maitland , but by my maiden name , which is the one I write under , I realized that it must indeed be me who was being phoned , whereupon it suddenly seemed ( perhaps only by association of ideas ) imperative that I had the means of writing to hand .
19 ‘ did drive ’ Driving is usually proved by witness statements to the effect that they saw the defendant drive .
20 The Secretary of State should issue an instruction tonight to all magistrates to the effect that they have the power to remit the payment of the poll tax for anybody who can not afford to pay .
21 Is somebody prepared to move that , the recommendation that we support the action ?
22 He was guilty of blasphemy and could now be taken to the Roman Governor with the recommendation that he suffer the death penalty .
23 The LA has to be assured by the applicant that he understands the importance of the rules relating to drivers ' hours , records and tachograph requirements , rules which need careful study .
24 It is with a sense of shock and disbelief that I studied the details that the Scottish Arts Council has released concerning its distribution of funds for 1993/94 ( reported , 16 February ) .
25 It was not until I wandered back to the harbour that I realised the wind had freshened .
26 Samuel Pepys records purchasing a copy of the Essay on 15 May , 1668 , and it so pleased the Sovereign that he promoted the author from the Secretaryship of the Royal Society to the See of Chester .
27 Triumphantly he told the master of the horse that he had the solution to everything " in my back pocket . "
28 As well as being mysterious the wind is powerful : it was by a mighty wind that God assuaged the waters of the Flood ( Gen. 8 : 1 ) , and by a wind that he caused the waters to recede before Israel at the Exodus ( Exod. 14:21 ) .
29 We have made a sound start in 1990 to achieving the degree of co-operation and mutual aid that we know the Government and Public expect to see more in evidence throughout this decade .
30 It is so often in illness and distress that we experience the concern and kindness of friends and family , and form closer relationships because of them .
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