Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] must have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was eagerness and excitement in his voice at once , echoing the emotion which must have been obvious in Hornblower 's tone — Hornblower took notice of it , and as he buckled his waistband he reaffirmed his resolution to be more careful how he spoke , for he must regain his reputation as a silent hero .
2 I vividly remember the occasion when a box had not been properly secured — when poor Katy opened the bathroom door she was greeted by a scene which must have been reminiscent of the Hitchcock film The Birds with thrushes and feathers flying everywhere !
3 An itch of fascination at this utterly different , aberrant creature twisted within Lexandro , into rage — at the sly , inhuman intelligence which must have been responsible for the loss of those brave champions of Humanity who now lay lifeless in caskets .
4 Although he lacked the control over the southern kingdoms which might have put him on Bede 's famous list of kings holding imperium in the south , he remained a formidable ruler , with the resources to endow the church lavishly and to raise the navy which must have been necessary for his invasion of Ireland .
5 It was a peculiar street because Street was on a higher level and at one time , the dam which must have been open , now the dam when I mention the dam , it 's the mill lead , but known to everybody in Galashiels as the dam .
6 As far as we knew every previous expedition had ferried the sheep by dinghy , a tedious operation which must have been hard on both men and sheep , to say nothing of the dinghy .
7 But the thing which must have been nearest to her heart , because she returned to it so often , was how as a child she had walked to church along the sands .
8 ‘ Reckless ’ manslaughter is also an example of constructive liability ; even if Caldwell recklessness is justifiable as a standard , it is only an obvious risk of injury which must have been foreseeable .
9 They gave a face which must have been pretty , or at least childishly vulnerable , the vacuous look of an adult clown .
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