Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] be [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp has been doing it for some time , and now Wordperfect Corp is doing it too — applying for patents on their software rather than relying copyright law : reason is that , as the Wall Street Journal explains , a patent can provide a company with exclusive use of its patented programs for a fixed number of years , even if another company develops the idea independently ; copyright , which is created as soon as an idea is expressed in an original way , protects only the expression of the idea , not the idea itself , and it does n't confer exclusive use if someone else develops the same software independently ; downside is that getting a patent costs big — in both time and money — and once it expires , the technology it describes is free for all .
2 No less than three supporters , all before opening time , have told me that they know for certain that a League chairman has been watching me in recent weeks .
3 Ozymandias , whose famous admonishment has been haunting me from Day One , seems to lurk round every corner , laughing up his sleeve .
4 John Nelson , a communications consultant has been examining them on behalf of the Sunday Times and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far .
5 John Nelson , a communications consultant has been examining them on behalf of the Sunday Times and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far .
6 His opponent has been doing it since age 14 . ’
7 This may seem an unorthodox way of assuring management succession but then MB Group has been rearranging itself into a new structure for the future .
8 ‘ Your deadly weapon has been staring you in the face from the moment you first arrived here , Fakrid , ’ he said .
9 Now Becky Blandford , although separated from her husband has been defending him on the daytime television programme , This morning .
10 ‘ My organisation has been monitoring it for some time now . ’
11 You find out your wife 's been doing it with your best friend , whip in your petition for divorce and before you can say ‘ one-night stand ’ you 're a free man .
12 ‘ Well at least we 've got this beano thanks to her — Aunt 's been planning it for weeks , ever since she heard that this lady might be coming down here , you 'd think she were dining the Prince des Galles . ’
13 The real enthusiast has been doing it for years .
14 The company has been familiarising itself with the technology with its own experimental highly parallel scalar machine called the AP1000 , and it clearly does not trust the literature — it says that it was this machine that taught Fujitsu scientists that ‘ parallel supercomputing requires a radically different approach to programming ’ .
15 ‘ That bloody bird has been annoying me for days . ’
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