Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] away [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
2 She would also find a way to protect her twin — after all , it was n't a crime to run away with the man you loved .
3 The Iraqi government on Sept. 1 reinforced its orders directing the air force to keep away from the air exclusion zone enforced by the Western allies south of the 32nd parallel [ see p. 39069 ] , and instructed ground forces not to fire at Western aircraft .
4 I was glad of the break to get away from the monotony of the orchard with the constant sniping and mortaring .
5 The three cornerstones of this legislation were : the attempt to break away from the categorisation of children , allied to the concept of a continuum of need ; the importance attached to successful integration ; and the belief that a partnership with parents was vital .
6 A very striking example of a philosopher dominated by the visual metaphor is Descartes , of all the one who made the most radical attempt to break away from the preconceptions of common experience and establish knowledge on purely rational foundations .
7 The claim that the complex whole of society should be seen as consisting of practices is an attempt to get away from the idea that a social theory can be grounded upon a concept which is ‘ simple ’ and ‘ given ’ .
8 In court he was ordered as a bail condition to stay away from the plant .
9 Durham School captain Richard Elliott , who was to have replaced him , will be on the bench as City attempt to move away from the relegation zone .
10 ‘ I know , ’ Whitlock replied but made no attempt to move away from the railing .
11 They assumed that pupils , mostly boys , of course , who were failing on the school reading scheme simply needed more and more opportunity to slog away at the phonics and sight vocabulary while under tight supervision .
12 ‘ I go to the pub to get away from the wife ’ …
13 This may be in part a search for higher returns but it must also be a function of the desire to diversify away from the risk of the domestic market .
14 For the Liberal Democrats , Sir David Steel , former leader and party spokesman on foreign affairs , said that , while the mood for change was strong , there was no wish for separatism and no desire to walk away from the Union .
15 It is a defeat for the regime to have to warn an entire city population to stay away from the Tiananmen Square
16 This a lovely place to get away from the pressures of everyday life under the care of the owner and his friendly staff .
17 The aim to move away from the language of entitlement to the language of obligation is very different from the language of freedom and liberty which dominated the earlier phases of Thatcherism .
18 The Blueprint Dance group has been set up to give young talent a chance to flourish away from the capital .
19 A letter appears above the person and typing the letter allows the person to jump away from the spear .
20 Blanketweed collecting on the waterfall may cause water to seep away from the pond itself .
21 Now , we 've got ten copies of the video to give away to the runners'-up , but the star prize is a weekend fit for a hero — or heroine — in London .
22 ‘ You 're going to throw away a chance to get away from the ship for a while ?
23 They climbed one wall to get away from the car and waited for their eyes and ears to tune themselves to the darkness .
24 Often George came in at five o'clock in the morning to hammer away at the pirate ship in the carpenter 's shop .
25 Joyce wisely decided to take her three smallest charges around the block to get away from the trauma , and to give herself chance to adjust to the idea .
26 An informal group formed this week has been mobilising the support of cricket clubs throughout the island to stay away from the game .
27 Secondly , he was a glaciologist and it may well be that he persuaded the pilot to swin' away to the east .
28 When asked how he had enjoyed his stay at Castaic , he said , ‘ It was a relief to get away for a while .
29 ‘ Investors used the summer doldrums as an excuse to stay away from the market in droves , ’ she read out .
30 I eat the meal inside the tent to get away from the wind , and even there I need an extra jacket .
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