Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] our [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Government will work in partnership to secure our heritage for the benefit of future generations .
2 This is an exceedingly exciting time to be joining N C V O. I took over from at the beginning of September , nineteen ninety-one , with the reorganisation , thankfully fully , in place , and a clear strategic plan to fulfil our role as the voice of the voluntary sector .
3 Short 's paper demonstrates , on the one hand , the possibility , and indeed the necessity , of extending the scope of descriptive categories to a diverse range of text types , while on the other hand it stresses the need to refine our understanding of the conventions and expectations that are specific to each individual type of discourse .
4 Notwithstanding this , we have an immediate need to protect our property from the moment the slate falls .
5 The need to rethink our concept of the research library in this wider information environment will be discussed .
6 And this has been put in place alongside our position on the Gulf to complete our policy on the Middle East where we were condemning the hypocrisy of the western nations who have been supplying the Third World with arms and then going in there , fighting er just to maintain access to the oil .
7 Weathering is therefore an appropriate place to begin our look at the operation and effects of exogenic geomorphic processes .
8 May the MEDAU SOCIETY continue to blossom , grow and stay alive — it is an example for us and at the same time an inspiration to continue our work for the benefit of people everyone .
9 ‘ Now we 're the undisputed Scottish leader in crawler-cranes and we plan to use this platform to build our role in the UK and into Europe .
10 For it is a condition of Dostoevsky 's art to arouse our longing for the settled and the normal and the beautiful itself .
11 At the tiny station of Plowden an angry old woman asked whether we had permission to park our car in the yard , so I did n't add to her troubles by asking for a ticket to Ludlow , as I had intended , but drove on to Marshbrook where the porter was more kindly . ’
12 ‘ A number of countries have already indicated that they would accept cattle on that basis but at EC level we have to overcome the problem caused by our wish to retain our restriction on the use of specified offals while other member states , even those with recorded incidences of BSE , have no such ban in place , ’ a spokesman explained .
13 So far we have identified specific group agencies of socialisation , but it is obviously a mistake to restrict our definition of the concept to a process taking place only in these settings .
14 Nevertheless , a number of factors can be briefly identified which explain why it makes sense to stop our account of the first age of party in 1715 .
15 We need a win to restore our pride in the competition and give us a boost for Saturday 's game against Peterborough . ’
16 Our Regional Executive Committee meeting was held in Castries , St Lucia , 9–15 March in an effort to strengthen our relationship with the Caribbean area .
17 Since the CTP is so flawed as an explanation of the mind and since its apparent attractions are apparent rather than real , how does the claim of that science to advance our understanding of the mind command such a following ?
18 It is our duty to protect our nation against the risk of nuclear attack and nuclear threat .
19 We will then be in a position to support our campaign with the facts .
20 In order to continue our discussion of the linguistic units involved in language comprehension , we will now review some of the experiments which have investigated the storage of spoken and written language in memory .
21 THE Government is considering yet another way to steal our money in the form of a tax on carbon fuels which you call ‘ a green crackdown ’ .
22 In spite of this , we have continued to invest in existing facilities and in extending our range of services in order to strengthen our position for the future .
23 Nevertheless , the insight that the neural representations of stimulus elements interact with each other in the brain to distort our perception of the world has been validated again and again by sensory physiologists .
24 Indeed , in this stereotyped world many of us have a longing to do something which is artistically original , in some way to leave our mark on the musical scene .
25 In order to extend our knowledge of the green algal/plant lineage , we recently started to analyze another chlorophyte mtDNA , namely that of the colourless alga Prototheca wickerhamii .
26 List two quantities that you would like to know , or to know better , plus two types of observation you would like to make , or to make better , in order to extend our knowledge of the Cytherean interior and of the level of geological activity past and present .
27 3 MEMBERSHIP URGENT PLEASE encourage all new class members to join this term and any old members who have omitted to rejoin this year ; numbers are very important as we must show a steady growth in membership in order to keep our commitment in the Plan .
28 That is the most tangible way to demonstrate our concern for the health service and to continue to improve the service available to everyone in this country .
29 Anyway , in order to get our interest at the start of each lesson he usually involves us in a silly game of some sort , and I still clearly remember the drama lesson when , thanks to David Smith ( alias ‘ Daz ’ ) , the ‘ warm up ’ game went horribly wrong .
30 ‘ It had been our ambition for some time to see our dominance in the east of Scotland established without doubt by virtue of a presence in Edinburgh , ’ says Heggie .
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