Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] into the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing but I got up and started towards him as he finally got the clip to slide into the gun and snick home .
2 And she has a hundred and forty and he 's gotten of cans for the his mum and Stewart 's been getting some cans for the shop for his granddad and I 've been asking for permission to go into the dump and get some for there .
3 The air operations officer was in the middle of co-ordinating the helicopter tasking for the day , when a Wessex landed beside the swimming pool , causing part of the screen fencing to blow into the pool and OC B Company to have a minor sense of humour failure .
4 Independent producers , whose dogged campaign to get into the BBC and ITV as well as Channel 4 has bitten deep into the old structures of the companies , now form an established and vibrant third force in television .
5 The other event was the appointment of a government committee to enquire into the organisation and staffing of the Survey .
6 The originality of Nizan 's entire literary output resides in this particular assertion since it brings together the two dominant strands that coexist tensely in Nizan 's intellectual and emotional outlook : ( i ) a brooding sense of anguish and desperation stemming from the gross injustices and inequalities in the world , and ( ii ) an explosive , irrepressible determination to enter into the struggle and combat the forces of oppression in order to gain access to a better life .
7 Marie had arrived and she was watching openly , making no move to go into the house and get on with her job .
8 We would then give them a consent to discharge into the river and we would make sure that that consent if it were complied with , did not deteriorate river conditions , river quality conditions .
9 it 's okay I 'm just borrowing your body to get into the cinema and then you can disappear !
10 But that is not a view held by those who lack the imagination to enter into the hearts and minds of others , and to do to them as they would be done by ; among them the then Home Secretary and the then Lord Chief Justice .
11 It goes without saying that if the debtor has employed undue influence or misrepresentation in order to persuade the surety to enter into the transaction and the creditor has knowledge that this has happened , the security will be unenforceable .
12 Time for the Clothes Show Magazine 's expert team to step into the limelight and take a bow : award-winning hairdresser , Anthony Mascolo , from Toni & Guy , and fashion assistant Saska Graville , who 'd been chosen to work on Yuri 's new look .
13 Minority groups had the chance to come into the studio and put over their point of view .
14 You know , give us a chance to get into the play and get comfortable on our feet and we 'll have a go , well , Johnson does n't give you that option does he ?
15 If there was a swell on the east side where the the grating but there was also a gully landing which you get into the gully but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully and there was a derrick there er you could a crane there that you could take everything out of the boat but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully .
16 Let us assume that in the split second that it took our sender to walk into the room and to recognise another person , a decision was made to smile .
17 She could take a week to grumble into the hooks and eyes of her dress .
18 The urge to scramble into the saddle and take my chance continues to triumph over an inclination to enjoy horses from a safer stance .
19 Nenna struggled against an impulse to rush into the fish and chip shop at the corner , the only shop in the street , and ask them if they had ever seen somebody coming out of number 42b who looked lonely , or indeed if they had ever seen anyone coming out of it at all .
20 I have asked my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State to look into the matter and to contact the hon. Gentleman .
21 Hilgard thinks that these procedures cause the normal ‘ monitor ’ of reality to retreat into the background and allow another part of consciousness , temporarily ‘ split off ’ from the reality monitor , to become active independently .
22 As always women must wear a skirt on or below the knee to get into the enclosure and men have to wear a tie — regatta traditions which are rigidly adhered to .
23 The biggest change that the end user may find , other than the obvious alterations to the program , is that Letraset are now Adobe 's primary distributor for Europe following McQueen 's decision to move into the manufacturing and acquisition of software rather than its distribution .
24 In the UK , companies pay in order to discharge into the sea and , as Greenpeace has always claimed , we effectively sell licences to pollute .
25 Some , contemplating that north-south gap , would hold that the answer is to use whatever autonomy Labour has in the north to retreat into the past and reaffirm the public ownership tenets of Clause IV of its constitution .
26 The arrangement was that they were happy for members of the family to come into the business and , in a sense , find their own level .
27 Th there are a number of papers , and we 're going to start off this morning er with , when people , just I 've started actually speaking here so that er to allow people time to come into the room and I know that here we are .
28 We engaged a solicitor to look into the matter and he became convinced that there was I wo n't say a loophole , that there was a reason why this should not be done and er requested the Committee of Management to Court for advice .
29 That was a signal for the class to enter into the fun and one and all scrambled over to Mademoiselle .
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