Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] it [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When in the " sick Chicken " case of 1935 the Supreme Court ruled against the act , declaring Federal code-making an unconstitutional interference with the authority of the separate states , Roosevelt made no attempt to revive it in a new form .
2 It 's very much the last attempt — not er , not for , from the point of view of negotiating or er , but , but simply a matter of fact , er we need erm we need to move , we need to have additional sources of , sources of income , that er the type of facility that we 're looking to build will give the club to put it on a firm financial footing , and at the same time to give the local people of the City and er the , the surrounding County er tremendous new facilities .
3 Deborah Pender , the head of a distribution company , lodged one of several bids for the complex to save it as a major tourist attraction .
4 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
5 These were considerations that could not be ignored by a Conservative leader , Austen Chamberlain had been toppled in 1922 because he had not withdrawn from an unpopular coalition in time ; and one of the motives for the destruction of the Lloyd George coalition was a desire to replace it by a protectionist government .
6 Picasso 's dismissal of traditional perspective had been the result of his interest in investigating the nature of solid form and of a desire to express it in a new , more thorough and comprehensive , pictorial way .
7 Her welding torch has been applied to an old mini to turn it into a Pink hippopotamus .
8 Is she the right person to do it from a Catholic school ?
9 The intention was to seek lasting cultural changes in the service to transform it from a reactive bureaucracy to a more proactive business-like organisation .
10 Normally the charge will be repaid when the property is sold but the Board has a discretion to transfer it to a substitute property in certain limited circumstances ( see reg 98 ) .
11 As he snipped several inches off the length of Aimee 's hair , he pointed out why he encourages all his clients who have fine hair to keep it in a short style — or at least above their shoulders .
12 Palcy is the first black woman to make it as a big-budget director in Hollywood .
13 The brewers to whom it belonged , having ideas , like all brewers in the 1960s , of reviving the supposed jollity of the eighteenth century , had applied for permission to turn it into a fashionable beer garden .
14 The ‘ enhanced Programme resulted from the 1978 Inner Urban Areas Act , based on a White Paper , published the previous year , on Policy for the Inner Cities ( DoE , 1977 ) , the first comprehensive policy statement on the subject to acknowledge it as a definable and cohesive problem .
15 To return to Griffith 's experiments , Griffith was not the first man to draw strong glass fibres but he was probably the first man to do it in a systematic way and to provide a plausible explanation of the results .
16 ‘ PDAG passed a motion opposing the Government 's decision to abolish it as a democratic forum involved in education and the transfer its work to Government quangos , ’ said society education spokesman , Ffred Ffransis .
17 Now , through the Friends of Craigmillar organisation , the school has been able to tap business expertise in the city to help it towards a new future .
18 Statistically this is often expressed as an increase in casework or in the number of ‘ repeat ’ clients whose problem entails a second or third visit to the bureau to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion .
19 In fact , Benedetti , himself a specialist in Caravaggio , did not recognise the hand of the master until the picture was taken down three years ago and he had an opportunity to examine it under a strong light .
20 The cylinder itself should be positioned on a flat rigid surface : if the floorboards in the airing cupboard are at all uneven or if you need space for access to pipes , it is a good idea to mount it on a small platform .
21 Wearing plastic gloves , he was picking up a pipe from a glass bowl to slip it inside a transparent bag .
22 The formal definition of these classes in the SGML syntax used to express the TEI scheme makes it possible for users of the scheme to extend it in a simple and controlled way : new elements may be added into existing classes , and existing elements renamed or undefined , without any need for extensive revision of the TEI document type definitions — though this is perhaps a benefit which only those who have ever tried to modify an existing dtd by hand will truly appreciate .
23 If the material is being used on a table or flat surface , it means that in order to use it at a close distance from the eye , the head is bent low over the book in order to try to discriminate the print .
24 A strategy set out in this format does not guarantee good advertising : that depends on the ability of the creative team , helped by the rest of agency account group , to produce a good idea ; on the ability of agency and client to recognize it as such : and the team 's combined ability to turn it into a real , working campaign .
25 ‘ It would simply be a formality to renew it on a long-term basis . ’
26 The only potential drawback is that unlike a training course , this program will only be of use if the user has the discipline to use it on a regular basis .
27 It 's madness to run it as a private house .
28 Collins still hopes to push his proposal through committee sessions in time to get it to a plenary session of the full parliament in May .
29 Classification of the pixels forming a Landsat MSS or TM image means giving each pixel a label to associate it with a land-cover class such as ‘ wheat ’ , ‘ forest ’ or ‘ sandy desert ’ .
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