Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] a [noun sg] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I hope it works as I admire any attempt to bring a book more awareness .
2 Fab news : Beatles Story boss Mike Byrne , 50 , expects his Fab Four show at the Albert Dock to make a profit this year , for the first time .
3 A Charter making Stockport a free borough was granted by the Earl of Chester in about 1220 ; and a second Charter granted in 1260 gave the right to hold a market each Friday and an annual Fair , commencing on St. Wilfred 's Day and running for the seven days following .
4 Obviously with the coming of two elections shortly we have the opportunity to do a lot more canvassing and contact more members of the public and to draw in new members from there .
5 Perhaps we just need a little more water to make a bit more lather .
6 He has enough knowledge of the music industry 's workings and the business acumen to earn a living that way .
7 There is a diplomatic silence over County NatWest , but chairman Lord Alexander of Weedonhas already put it on notice to make a profit this year — or else .
8 It seems thought will be given to playing Tony Stanger in the centre to provide a bit more physique in defence and on that theme Michael Dods could be destined to be left out , not because he has played badly , but rather as a reflection that the powerhouse physiques are prone to get the better of him in escaping tackles .
9 The company will be the only nationalised information-technology firm to make a profit this year .
10 Planning departments in local councils up and down the country are being overwhelmed ; for example , West Sussex County Council currently receives an application to build a course each day .
11 As I say when you become a councillor you do not do it for money , I mean I think probably to be a better reason to become a councillor these days .
12 Er but I 've got the potential to make a lot more money as a self employed person .
13 Many of these are women who work during the day and solicit at night in order to earn a bit more money .
14 It asked the participants to stop haggling in public and permitted each bishop to take a decision either way for his own diocese ( Murphy 1959 ) .
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