Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] of the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now they want doctors who deal wioth the physical side to think of the mental scars as well .
2 Headley Feast with the national classified , one result to change of the local footballs in the Beezer Homes League , southern division , I 'm afraid it was a defeat for Witney ; Witney one , Canterbury two , that 's in the Beezer Homes League southern division ; Witney one , Canterbury two .
3 However at the famous December '69 auction to dispose of the remaining assets , three of the Hunslets were given a new lease of life , virtually on home territory .
4 Tell us Mr Chairman , it 's the second to last of the yellow sheets , I mean the block of sheets , the next to last but one in the , in the of , start at the back .
5 With great difficulty , particularly in the " Dry Drunk " phase before return to use of the addictive substance or behaviour .
6 The closer the Gnostics stood to orthodoxy , the more likely they were to wish to infiltrate the catholic community ; this was especially the case among the Manichees , but they could be detected by their refusal to drink of the eucharistic cup ( since they regarded wine as an invention of the devil ) and to make the sign of the cross ( since to them the suffering of Jesus was no actual event but a symbol for the universal condition of the human race ) .
7 In addition , staff kept a running record of activities and the names of parents involved since this allowed a picture to emerge of the differing patterns of family involvement and , in particular , served as a check that no one was completely left out .
8 The Council appoints an Executive Director to control of the day-to-day running of the Society .
9 It is easy with the advantages of hindsight to think of the political structure of eighteenth-century England , with all its defects , as the best in Europe .
10 There is no need to think of the individual movements within a swing .
11 Once people recognise that through the process of exchange they can mutually benefit , they have no need to approve of the individual ends to which the transactions give rise .
12 Anglers throughout the province were saddened earlier this week to hear of the tragic deaths of international game anglers Winston and Billy McConville .
13 For the moment , the demand to make of the nuclear powers is not for a test ban but for five-power talks and joint research to explore more defensible ways of going about their testing business .
14 The countdown to launch of the Personal Communications Network cellular mobile telephone service in the UK is well under way , and Mercury Communications Ltd 's Mercury One-to-One has released further details of its planned Personal Communications service , which will include cost control features .
15 It is commonly assumed that the strategy of ‘ area bombing ’ — indiscriminate attacks on largely civilian target ‘ areas ’ , usually in city centres — failed in its express aim of undermining and destroying the morale and will to resist of the German people and instead merely stimulated such an intense hatred of the enemy that the bonds between regime and people were strengthened , not weakened .
16 After speaking in Strasbourg as president of the Council of Europe , Mr Hurd addressed the council in a national capacity , and said : ‘ I remain concerned at the continuing failure of the Iranian authorities to repudiate the incitement to murder of the British subject , Mr Salman Rushdie , and the bounty offered in that respect by all Iranian organisations .
17 Even if it had , the selfhood would be in the replicas of the gene scattered over different bodies ; that the gene , analogous though it is to species rather than to individual , has to be taken as the unit , is precisely because it is more useful for explanation to speak of the selfish gene than of the altruistic replica .
18 In a sense , it is precisely the vain attempts to interpret existence as a " property " and the difficulties created by such interpretations that have inspired the various reductivist moves in an effort to dispose of the whole problem , by showing that existential propositions are in principle " eliminable " , and hence that there are no " irreducibly " existential facts .
19 Will he and our right hon. and hon. Friends , over the next few weeks , consider whether there is scope for increasing that discount to something more related to the ability to pay of the single person ?
20 The standard way to think of the manager-employee relationship is again as principal and agent respectively though as we will see shortly , the relationship can be reversed .
21 What , then , in the face of these many and conflicting voices , is the Christian to make of the Holy Spirit ?
22 When I visit the veterans , they have such a wealth of experience to tell of the old days , some I may add , from before I was born , and it does seem such a shame they never get an invite to look behind the scenes of a present day JS branch .
23 As he walked behind the plough he had time to think of the easy relationship that had gradually built up between them .
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