Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] on [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Consider providing the participating member with the opportunity to report on results of contact directly to the client , in order to ensure effective communication .
2 George Saintsbury , Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature at Edinburgh , in his presidential address to the AGM of the Scottish branch in 1907 , emphasized the importance of bringing the influence of the Association to bear on questions of education when they came before the legislature .
3 The judge , Mr Justice Auld , had directed that the men had no case to answer on charges of manslaughter or arson .
4 He contends that economic prosperity has given the voters the opportunity to choose on issues like abortion and the environment .
5 But others may see his move as evidence of a desire to use the election campaign to concentrate on moves towards reunification with East Germany .
6 I can excuse him for yesterday as he had to leave at the start of the second half to appear on Question of Sport : - ) .
7 On the proposal in Recommendation 18 to set up a committee to advise on priorities for grant-aid , he argued that this would help to keep the WEA on its toes , true to its traditional concerns for rigorous study of subjects appropriate to understanding contemporary society .
8 However , the drafter should remember that problems frequently arise where one party to a contract seeks to escape from it on the grounds that the other is in breach of a condition , and that the time for performance of obligations ( other than payment of money ) under a commercial contract is normally " of the essence " : a failure to perform on time in accordance with the contract will therefore justify the other party in terminating the contract ( see Bunge Corpn v Tradax Export SA [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 711 ) .
9 Clause 52 of the Bill as introduced eventually became section 61 of the Act of 1976 and imposed a charge to tax on benefits in kind for higher paid employees , i.e. , those paid more than £5,000 per annum .
10 The shop stewards movement , contrary to the arguments from some quarters , would not necessarily be demobilised in a context of incomes policy , but would be able to use its bargaining strength at enterprise level to insist on measures of control over the broader issues of enterprise policy .
11 President De Klerk has granted Black South Africans the chance to vote on changes in government .
12 International Law — Recognition — Effect — Proceeds of goods belonging to Republic of Somalia in court — Somali government overthrown — Interim government set up by nominee of international conference — No administrative control over territory of Somalia — Solicitors instructed by interim government to obtain payment out — Whether authority to act on behalf of Republic of Somalia — Whether proceeds to be paid out
13 Then in the third quarter the company will ship a beta AIX personality to sit on top of Workplace OS , with an OS/2 Personality following in the last quarter .
14 Then in the third quarter the company will ship a beta AIX personality to sit on top of Workplace OS , with an OS/2 Personality following in the last quarter .
15 we wish to appoint several people with outstanding research potential to work on problems in image analysis , particularly pattern recognition in microscopic images , image enhancement and the analysis of spatial data .
16 Employers brought maximum pressure to bear on workers in order to restore order : recalcitrant strikers faced lockouts .
17 Employers brought maximum pressure to bear on workers in order to restore order : recalcitrant strikers faced lock-outs .
18 The theory is that if museums save on salaries and paper clips they will have more money to spend on works of art ; the reality is that they will almost certainly be saving on the works of art to make up for inadequate funding overall .
19 This is what the evidence suggests since , while the tempo of mergers and acquisitions ( both domestic and cross-border ) has been rising rapidly , it is also apparent that some industries have been engaged in divesting themselves of activities which are peripheral or difficult to manage in order to concentrate on areas of strength .
20 These are , first ( as I have mentioned in chapter 1 ) , a tendency to focus on patterns of change alone with little or no attention to stable patterns of language through time ; second , a tendency to unidimensionality , that is , an inclination to think of the history of a language as the history of a single homogeneous variety and of sound-changes as proceeding in straight lines ; and third , as noted in chapter 2 , a tendency to impose theoretical and ideological orthodoxies on ( sometimes rather sparse ) data that might often be open to alternative kinds of interpretation .
21 The example cited is the impossibility of auditors ' giving an opinion on the code recommendation that non-executive directors are to bring independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy , performance , and so on .
22 We will give GPs the power to insist on improvements in service to all the patients in a neighbourhood .
23 Example 3:7 Landlord 's power to break ( 1 ) The landlord shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than six months ' notice in writing expiring on or after [ date ] if he intends at the expiry of such notice either : ( a ) to demolish or reconstruct the demised property or a substantial part of it or to carry out substantial work of construction on the demised property or part of it ; or ( b ) to occupy the demised property for the purposes or partly for the purposes of a business to be carried on by him ( 2 ) The service of a notice under s25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall be sufficient notice and good service for the purposes of the preceding subclause Example 3:8 Tenant 's power to break on refusal of planning permission The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than three nor more than six months ' notice in writing served not more than one month after the happening of any of the following events : ( 1 ) the refusal or deemed refusal by the local planning authority to renew the planning permission dated [ date ] permitting the use of the demised property for ; ( 2 ) the dismissal by the Secretary of State or an appointed person of any appeal against any such refusal ; ( 3 ) the expiry of the said planning permission Example 3:9 Tenant 's right to break preventing exercise of rights under Landlord and Tenant Act The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … by giving not less than thirteen months ' previous notice to that effect Example 3:10 Tenant 's conditional right to break The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … if : ( 1 ) he gives thirteen months ' written notice to that effect ; and ( 2 ) both at the date of the notice and at the date of its expiry there are neither any outstanding arrears of rent nor any subsisting breach of covenant by the tenant for which the landlord would be entitled to recover damages of more than a nominal amount
24 In the hotly contested litigation between AM&S Europe Limited and the Commission , the European Court decided that the Commission had the sole power to adjudicate on claims of privilege in relation to advice or other documentation passing between a lawyer and his client which might be examined by the Commission in investigations under the competition rules .
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