Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] his [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Of course Castro 's stand , far from being just one of principle , was an attempt to enforce his claims on the Soviet Union at a time when the security of his revolution had never been more seriously threatened .
2 Now , however , four days later , having escaped into Austria himself , Loehr was making a final attempt to surrender his forces to the British , saying that he was not longer able to control the movement northwards into Austria either of his own German troops , or of a huge column of Croat troops and civilian refugees advancing from Zagreb on the frontier town of Dravograd , south-east of Klagenfurt .
3 Hardline Colorados then succeeded in modifying the original motion to allow the President to " appoint and remove the commanders of the public force " — wording which was taken by analysts to give authorization , indirectly , for the President to delegate his powers to the military .
4 ‘ Look , there 's the house , ’ he said quickly in an attempt to divert his thoughts from the effect she was having on him .
5 I even saw one video of a council meeting where an irate councillor , having virtually dug himself into a trench in an attempt to protect his interests in the face of strategic questioning by the YCCC , actually lost his cool and demanded that an old man who was tape-recording the meeting should either stop recording or get out !
6 I regard the privilege against self-incrimination exercisable in civil proceedings as an archaic and unjustifiable survival from the past when the court directs the production of relevant documents and requires the defendant to specify his dealings with the plaintiff 's property or money .
7 ‘ I regard the privilege against self-incrimination exercisable in civil proceedings as an archaic and unjustifiable survival from the past when the court directs the production of relevant documents and requires the defendant to specify his dealings with the plaintiff 's property or money .
8 Since he had no arabition to sell his films in the US , there was no reason why he should be more adventurous .
9 Lord said he was at a loss to find room to play his shots in the first two games .
10 Inconvenience — the trials are liable to require the teacher to distort his plans for the course in order to accommodate the new material when asked .
11 Budworth is particularly important because he was the first fell walker to record his ascents with the same attitude and feelings as we have today .
12 But there will be relief that the Chancellor has not tapped business to ease his problems with the public sector borrowing requirement by raising taxes directly .
13 Do n't think , look , he screamed against the desire to shut his eyes against the terror of the fall .
14 He seemed to himself to need more leisure to pursue his studies of the New Testament and of Christian thought more profoundly .
15 A decision by a court to refuse costs , in whole or in part , to a mortgage litigant may be a decision in the exercise of the section 51 discretion or a decision in the exercise of the power to fix the terms on which redemption will be allowed or a decision as to the extent of a mortgagee 's contractual right to add his costs to the security or a combination of two or more of these things .
16 Michael was also invited by the Sogo Group to display his skills in the five stores located in Tokyo .
17 In discussing Holy Communion , Hooker turned gladly from theories of transubstantiation to remind his readers of the fundamental truth that ‘ The real presence of Christ 's most blessed body and blood is not to be sought for in the Sacrament but in the worthy receiving of the Sacrament .
18 A wealthy industrialist established a foundation to promote his ideas among the rich and powerful .
19 Cranston did not wish Athelstan to probe his anxieties about the Lady Maude .
20 Afterwards the boy 's father decided to consult the local policeman to ask his views about the affair .
21 A1 Shimano 's Bill Bullock won the league with 0–2–8 , enough for fourth on the day to bring his earnings from the series to almost £500 .
22 I was afraid that if Bekenstein found out about it , he would use it as a further argument to support his ideas about the entropy of black holes , which I still did not like .
23 Michael Slater , industry guru and editor and publisher of the US journal , Microprocessor Report , in London last week to give his views on the RISC marketplace , had some disparaging comments to make about Intel Corp 's and Digital Equipment Corp 's RISC processor offerings .
24 He had a strong urge to put his arms round the man , and indeed was about to do so , when Malik thrust him away , sobbing .
25 I m too big to go to ground , " he wailed gratefully , watching Andrew failing by any contortion to cram his shoulders into the mouth of the culvert .
26 ‘ To persuade the colonel to ask his friends on the council to lift planning restrictions ! ’
27 ‘ Ah well , ’ Wishart smiled.v ‘ Sir James , take our English visitor to the port of Leith and order the captain to follow his directions across the Forth .
28 It also became clear why he 'd wanted to make love to her ; to make her believe he cared , because if she cared for him who better to persuade the colonel to tell his friends on the council to let the plans go through ?
29 ‘ I suppose I 'd better see who it is , ’ he said savagely as she rolled away from him , allowing him to ease himself off the bed to gather his trousers from the floor .
30 It is the business of the head of the established church to express his worries about the state of the nation and the moral mood of the times .
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