Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] her [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The distraught protest ended in a sharp cry as fitzAlan 's open hand flashed out , striking her cheek with enough force to whip her head to the side .
2 The fragments that remain take the form of the ceremony of the Churching of Women after childbirth , that is , that after forty days of confinement , the woman goes to church for a ritual to mark her return to the community .
3 It is the 31-year-old journalist 's second attempt to complete her ascent of the world 's tallest peak after an earlier effort was aborted due to bad weather .
4 He did , however , deplore her socialist tendencies and her readiness to advertise her opinions to the world in her books .
5 S said that she needed the car to take her family to the airport and that in any case they were only abroad for one week out of two , so she would need the car again on her return .
6 Weary to her bones , and once more cold to the marrow , Theda stepped down and requested the guard to unstrap her portmanteau from the back .
7 She swung round and hurried along the hall to get her coat from the closet , willing the sudden rush of attraction to abate , then jumped when he spoke from just behind her .
8 Its continued prosperity depended on three conditions : Spain 's control of the seas , her continued political control of a vast empire , and her capacity to supply her colonies with the goods they needed .
9 His eloquence was somewhat impaired by the presence on the bed of the current mistress , the Roman Catholic Duchess of Portsmouth , but eventually he succeeded in having her removed and in persuading the King to send for the Queen to seek her forgiveness for the wrongs he had done her ; the King however kept putting off the administration of the Holy Sacrament , and Ken was removed from the room in Charles 's last hours as he was received into the Roman Catholic Church by a priest smuggled into the palace by his brother and successor , James II .
10 ‘ Why did I have to fall for a suicidal maniac ? ’ she asked herself , and cleaned the flat from top to bottom to take her mind off the image of Jack dangling on the end of a rope above a muddy slit somewhere in subterranean Yorkshire !
11 She had seen the initial stage of the assessment process as an opportunity to enhance her role in the decision-making but saw it as restricting her power .
12 He had said he might be late , after all , and she decided to snatch a few more moments of privacy to recharge her batteries in the one place in the whole luxurious house where she was able to relax and feel she was her own person .
13 Agnes pushed Jessie towards the basin , hissing , ‘ Stay there ! ’ then hurried out of the room to meet her mother in the corridor , the while calling , ‘ I 'm coming .
14 A divorced woman can only use her former husband 's contribution record to establish her right to the basic pension and only provided she contributes in her own right as soon as the marriage ends and she does not remarry ( unless she is divorced over the age of 60 ) .
15 Gagné ( 1970 ) — whose work we will examine later — has compiled a hierarchy of eight types , the purpose of which is to help the teacher to match her teaching to the kind of learning she wishes to produce .
16 Ariel clasps Roukoubé and runs towards the sea ; the shadows conceal her , she hears the shot , but then she splashes into the shoals and turns to run along the tideline to keep her bearings in the dark .
17 She sipped some of the water , and allowed Breeze to bathe her head with the rest , before putting butter on the burnt arm .
18 Streamlined jockey Michael Roberts gave Lyric Fantasy the chance to find her feet in the early stages , but a sudden surge of speed at the furlong marker clinched the money .
19 Give each Brownie in turn one minute to put her hand in the bag and identify the objects .
20 Andrea Whitcombe led almost from start to finish to retain her title at the Women 's National Cross-Country Championships at Birkenhead .
21 Linda was just taking off her apron when Carol was the next person to pop her head round the kitchen door .
22 Mrs Thatcher was careful on the whole to appoint her supporters to the important economic ministries .
23 She turned her head to direct her glance over the man at the wheel .
24 The agency took half her pay before she ever saw it , some of it in commissions for her bookings , the rest to pay her share of the rent on the miserable flat she shared with Trish and two other girls .
25 Unconsciously she slid one hand up his back to twist her fingers in the jet-black hair brushing the collar of his jacket .
26 She gave Eva plenty of scope to prepare her mind for the whole matter of the interpretation of the gospel in Africa , and how to make the good news relevant in a non-Christian environment .
27 While the tour is an exciting musical event in its own right , it has also provided its organiser , Miss Chadwick , with the chance to renew her links with the North and its musical scene .
28 Charlotte put the receiver down and felt positively grateful for the lack of opportunity to consider her reaction to the conversation .
29 Pausing by the window , gazing at the apartment building opposite , she had an urge to punch her fist through the glass .
30 He jerked her case upright , tight-lipped , and put it by the door for her , but relaxed in exasperated pity as he watched her start to check her handbag for the third time .
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