Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [adv prt] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A friend and I were driving in spring to Crarae gardens near Inveraray so I could salivate over the rhododendrons , but we grew tired of travelling at seven miles an hour behind clods in caravans and on reaching the Rest And Be Thankful pulled into the side to wander about at the base of Beinn an Lochain .
2 An opposition MP , Mr Jan Van Eck , yesterday accused the police of complicity in the latest fighting to break out at the Cape Town squatter camp , Crossroads .
3 You got a very good committee , dedicated committee erm who , you see the young trainees were sent to the technical colleges and you see , erm some of them did go on if they graduated to Stanford Hall , but I mean those that went to technical college , we used to have to get the committee to sit in at the examinations .
4 Across the road to the butcher 's where they looked in the window to see back at the reflection of Hogan 's Outfitters and realise that Sean Walsh had gone back inside to the empire that would one day be his .
5 Regression enables the former child to look back at the situation through the eyes of the adult he or she has now become and to see the reality of it all .
6 She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went over to the window to look down at the courtyard .
7 ‘ The point is , ’ said Dyson , thumping the car down into second to slow up at the traffic lights , ‘ a journalist ought to be specializing by the time he 's forty .
8 Mercer used his pace in the second half to get in at the corner after Harmon 's effort and Forster scored after a quick-witted kick by Turner , who also kicked five goals .
9 If we picture a vibration as a cycle , that is as equivalent to a rotation round a circle to arrive back at the beginning again , the angular distance travelled in the mathematician 's natural units is 2π .
10 The sediment at the bottom of the sea permits nuclear waste to leak out at the rate of 1 metre per 10000 years not 10 years as appeared in last week 's article ( Technology , 17 February , p 442 ) .
11 As a result , Labour thinking began to lay more stress on state control , on the need to take over at the centre and then to redistribute wealth and plan for the whole country .
12 Have you got a spare T'shirt to put on at the end if it gets cold ?
13 Lofoten was chosen for this first large raid because it offered a chance to hit back at the enemy as well as such economic targets as the destruction of fish oil supplies , which might impair German manufacture of nitro-glycerine and would reduce supplies of vitamin A and B capsules issued to German troops .
14 If we were gon na say , right , this only is gon na apply to mega- projects , tt and therefore it would be appropriate for the project coordinator to be the person to sit down at the start of the job , when he 's agreeing the remit with the client , when he 's developing the erm tt er who 's doing what within the functions .
15 It was , however , by now well south of the airport and , after acknowledging an air traffic control instruction to report back at the BN beacon ready for another approach , the Vanguard tracked toward the BS , another beacon which was immediately to the south of the landing runway , 16 .
16 ‘ Did you get a chance to look in at the side studio , when they were there last Friday ?
17 The Maggot said with inappropriate exultation , then twisted his head to stare back at the island .
18 Full of excited anticipation , she caught an overnight train , managed to get a taxi to turn out at the crack of dawn to take her to Morfa , then set out along the causeway to Brynteg .
19 ‘ As I hold a season ticket I had no occasion to call in at the booking office .
20 Maybe it 's a ploy to get back at the people TSB calls ‘ Rich Bastards ’ for having credit cards .
21 He had gone clean and sober with a fury , he swore , up at five-thirty every morning to work out at the Y , at his word processor to write by six-thirty , stopping only to watch CNN during lunch ‘ to connect with the world ’ .
22 You get a nice space to sit down at the table
23 Vitor strolled over to the open door to look out at the house with its quaint latticed windows , its white-painted shutters , the walls awash with waterfalls of crimson bougainvillaea .
24 In any case , Stephen 's mother uses Hilary as an excuse to stay on at the Manor and I want rid of her . ’
25 ‘ Is it still light enough to work ? ’ asked Merymose , standing , and walking across to the doctor to look down at the body .
26 Whether or not this constitutional tug of war is resolved by the proposed referendum on presidential powers in April — indeed whether anyone will get around to formulating questions for it , or persuading the battle scarred citizenry to turn up at the ballot box — are still matters of obsessive speculation .
27 A disadvantage of budget schemes is that if your fuel consumption is underestimated , you may have a large sum to pay out at the end of the year .
28 They began to fall back towards Ace and Petion , pausing where there was cover to shoot back at the Germans on the freighters or on the other side of the docks .
29 Connections of Laurel Queen , Walking The Plank and Buzzards Bellbuoy the trio to sneak in at the bottom of the race will have to send them a percentage if ending up in the money .
30 We require a new trainee Honorary Treasurer to take over at the A.G.M. in April .
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