Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [adv] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He and Liena conversed for a while before he announced his decision to wait there for the return of Tony and Ferdy ( the Germans ) , and Dave the American , asking me to take care of Liena on the way down .
2 At the SCG I was impressed with the way the South African pace bowlers tightened line and length after somewhat loose opening period of play no doubt caused by first-time tension and over-eagerness to do well for the folks back home .
3 This has been the frequent and characteristic complaint of those ( in my experience few ) historians who have explored the New Historicism : the representation of history is idiosyncratic and selected to reflect the preoccupation of the literary critic , not an attempt to account accurately for the period .
4 ‘ the encouraging fact is that in most areas there is capacity to allow both for the protection of the countryside and to build the number of houses we need .
5 There are always people on this land : a boy sitting on a grazing buffalo , a girl cutting short , dusty grass with a sharp hand-held hoe , filling a basket to take home for the oxen .
6 Her years in London bad merely strengthened her desire to live there for the rest of her life , and while she was there her mother seemed , most of the time , to be no more that a dreadful past sorrow , endured and survived .
7 We use your money to do more for the conservation of birds — and we also welcome your support
8 There 's nothing unusual about clogged up roads in London , but this was the school half-term holidays — usually a haven of relatively clear tarmac , a glorious window of opportunity to leave home for the office a quarter of an hour later .
9 Information derived from the national health service internal market on general practitioner and patient preferences and on comparative costs will help the service to plan sensibly for the future , in London as elsewhere .
10 There is a commitment to do more for the environment .
11 It is always good advice to read widely for the sake of your historical knowledge and understanding but also for the improvement of written English .
12 Our forefathers had the vision to plan ahead for the future .
13 Another man , a colleague in the newspaper industry in London , left the office where he had worked for most of his adult life to travel home for the weekend .
14 ‘ 2(1) The powers of the Director under this section shall be exercisable , but only for the purposes of an investigation under section 1 above , or , on a request made by the Attorney-General of the Isle of Man , Jersey or Guernsey , under legislation corresponding to that section and having effect in the Island whose Attorney-General makes the request , in any case in which it appears to him that there is good reason to do so for the purpose of investigating the affairs , or any aspect of the affairs , of any person .
15 This environmental movement today is really saying to all of us , erm in order to avoid building platforms off the coast of the United States , we are willing to risk sending our sons to the sands of the Middle East to die perhaps for the preservation of a life style , that some of us are unwilling to develop here in our own country .
16 Pallister missed the European Championship because of back and foot injuries and Ferguson stressed : ‘ He has worked so hard this summer to get right for the season and I am sure it will pay off for him . ’
17 One of the lessons to be learnt from his critical prose and from his correspondence is the lesson to care unselfishly for the art one serves .
18 He is proposing a pilot scheme to take uniformed officers away from front desk duties as one of the latest for putting civilians into jobs which in the past have been filled by officers in order to free more for the fight against crime .
19 ‘ But I still wish you had accepted my invitation to stay here for the wedding , instead of at a hotel . ’
20 Finally , as this is the Christmas issue , I 'm finishing with a little quiz , which I hope you will find time to do just for the fun of it over the holiday .
21 Yet the temptation to build upwards for the station itself was resisted .
22 Before the justices on that occasion the local authority had proposed that further attempts be made to improve the ability of the mother to care adequately for the children so that their future could be with her .
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