Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The world itself is God 's greatest miracle ’ , he wrote , defending God 's freedom to work miracles at the cost of dissolving the idea of a nature which is subject to its own laws in the freedom of the divine will .
2 TAURUS You are going to have to put your mind to solve problems at the moment .
3 THE Government was under pressure last night to re-enter negotiations over the ambulance dispute as unions stripped away all but three elements of their pay and conditions claim in an attempt to force talks at the conciliation service , Acas .
4 Initially , used the effect to entertain children at the Leukaemia unit in St Bartholomew 's hospital , but when he found that scientists also were taking interest , he founded the Magic Penny Society , partly because he sees the new pennies as an excellent educational toy to excite children 's interest in science .
5 Yesterday 's mass picket had been fuelled by last week 's decision at the Court of Session to allow meetings at the gates , and by the wave of support for the sacked workers at a rally in Dundee on Saturday .
6 US State Department experts on Latin America fear that the longer the military resistance against the US troops continues in Panama , the more the Latin Americans are likely to be driven by their own domestic public opinion to voice protests at the US action .
7 The vilification of Arthur Scargill , the unbalanced emphasis on picket-line violence and intimidation , the failure to explain issues at the heart of the strike , the criminalization of striking miners , the unquestioned assumptions of police neutrality and the fundamental contradiction between the reality experienced by striking communities and the distorted presentation of that reality through the mass media — these were the key components of the media 's ideological policing of the strike .
8 Likewise , they expressed a desire to involve parents at the centre of decision-making .
9 Meanwhile students at the lecture got the chance to pitch questions at the minister on a range of subjects from Maastricht to the loss of his private life .
10 ‘ It is an achievement to play games at the moment , as we are literally living from hand to mouth .
11 One player is chosen to call out , ‘ Horns , horns , bull 's horns , ’ and everyone taps their knees and puts their fingers to their forehead to make horns at the animal 's name .
12 The big-shot 's unlikely to leave time for the interviewee to ask questions at the end .
13 Additionally , if it is found that feelings of risk in the simulator are similar to those experienced when actually driving , and there is reasonable consistency between subjects in assessments , it is possible to infer the feelings of risk a subject is likely to experience when confronted with a particular situation without actually asking the subject to give ratings at the time .
14 Diana sent a personal cheque for a ‘ substantial amount ’ from her Charities Trust Fund to help women at the Chiswick Family Rescue in London .
15 Engineers are still working around the clock to restore services at the Woodhouse exchange in Sheffield following a fire on October 25 , which affected 13,000 customers .
16 THE SON of a British Army officer yesterday described to the Aldington libel jury in the High Court how his late father told him of his ‘ horror ’ when he received the order to repatriate Cossacks at the end of the second world war .
17 ‘ A growing number are using the unit as a stepping stone to start courses at the college itself . ’
18 The ability to produce flowers at the drop of a hat or a cake to celebrate a customer 's birthday should all be at his or her fingertips .
19 And generally speaking , they had left the special schools of , is it St Christophers in er Lincoln , and er other special schools , and they were not , they had n't had sufficient er work experience or knowledge of the possible market to find jobs at the moment .
20 Sarah Smith has been giving a regular class to stroke victims at the Oak Park Stroke Club in Havant .
21 ‘ We have no time to entertain strangers at the moment . ’
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