Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Tonics , restoratives and health remedies provide an opportunity to invest in the non-toxic remedies of the future .
2 Yes , so I thought , I might erm , cos I bought a jumper , I bought a pale blue jumper to go with the flowery leggings , but , I 've decided I 'll take blue jumper back , cos , although it would be alright with plain white trousers I thought that 's all I would wear it with , I would n't wear it with anything else , so , I think I 'll change that , if I get the dark blue leggings like Jamie , then I 'll get the striped jumper the same .
3 We do not wish to be the first case of this kind to go before the Special Commissioners .
4 Do n't expect Schedule Express to go into the fine details of resource management .
5 But the most damaging problem was the Scots ' inability to cope with the driving mauls of Gaul .
6 It was only after the demise of the ruling reptiles that the class had the opportunity to capitalize on the evolutionary advantages which propelled them to the dominance they have enjoyed ever since .
7 ‘ Photo ’ regulating — it allows the skin to benefit from the positive effects of daytime whilst preventing the formation of free radicals .
8 In fact this put severe restrictions on the committee 's deliberations , and the chairman repeatedly had to advise counsel for both the GMC and the defence that it was not their function to comment on the relative merits or otherwise of alternative forms of medicine .
9 These were held in belated recognition that the entirely private exercise last time had given the public not even a token opportunity to comment on the various applicants .
10 Cattle stealing provided certain groups in rural areas with an opportunity to benefit from the economic changes along the coast and in the central highlands , but it did not long survive as an organized business once a district was penetrated deeply by plantations .
11 One is even tempted to propound a theorem to cope with the bewildering thickets of paradox obstructing every path , namely : every attempt to ameliorate nuclear doctrine in one respect produces an equal and opposite effect in some other respect .
12 Whether the prosecution can prove attempted rape rather than the lesser offence of indecent assault will often depend on proof of the defendant 's intention to go beyond the indecent acts already committed .
13 Some of the latest equipment is designed to use automation to cope with the combined problems of filtration and misuse of equipment by staff .
14 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to grapple with the full implications of the whole ERA for pre-school education , particularly with regard to ‘ opting out ’ , financial delegation , especially as , at the time of writing , vesting days for each of these major elements have yet to be announced , and discussion would be speculative .
15 A speechwriter 's attempt to compensate for the public relations lapse in not going to the Berlin Wall , Mr Bush 's prime time statement went out on all television channels on Thanksgiving Eve .
16 If there was not , A might still believe that B was looking for something to steal , which could constitute an attempt to steal under the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 notwithstanding that there was nothing there that B would have stolen .
17 It is no longer the intention to differentiate between the various classes of plant and the existing definitions have been incorporated into this general exception .
18 A last desperate attempt to escape into the murky waters .
19 I pull my battledress jacket over my head in a forlorn attempt to escape from the tiny tormentors ; sleep is impossible .
20 More will have to go in order to recruit the highly-paid staff from the nuclear industry to look after the nuclear installations ’ inspectorate 's work on Britain 's revived nuclear power programme .
21 As a Stalinist , Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken .
22 The Collector suspected that the Bard 's success in this respect might have a great deal to do with the ballistic advantages stemming from his baldness .
23 We have clear descriptions of Charles from his chroniclers and contemporaries ; he is probably the first powerful figure to emerge from the Dark Ages as a completely documented ruler .
24 The strategies of splitting are essential for the infant 's attempt to deal with the genuine contradictions it encounters in struggling to form some image of itself and the part-objects it confronts .
25 Competition within the white collar section is another nail in the coffin and an attempt to reduce to the paying conditions .
26 He had no burning ambition to climb to the upper reaches of management in those early days , however .
27 Mr d'Ancona admits : ‘ It was probably harder to get British industry to respond to the legitimate requirements of the oil industry than to get the oil industry to make allowance for the legitimate interests of the supply industry . ’
28 It was his unexpected kindness that caused her jaw to clench suddenly in an attempt to stave off the hot tears scalding her eyes .
29 Now they want doctors who deal wioth the physical side to think of the mental scars as well .
30 Headley Feast with the national classified , one result to change of the local footballs in the Beezer Homes League , southern division , I 'm afraid it was a defeat for Witney ; Witney one , Canterbury two , that 's in the Beezer Homes League southern division ; Witney one , Canterbury two .
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