Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the details are nicely done such as the antiquated ceramic water bottle offered by the porter to enable them to cope with the freezing bedrooms .
2 He built up a large practice , relying especially on ‘ native ’ clients , and earned enough money to enable him to live in a very opulent way , even if he did not save any considerable fortune .
3 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
4 However , it is clear that some people will want to consider seeking an assessment to enable them to move into a residential or nursing home .
5 There is still a high integration workload and the business has to look further out into the future to enable it to respond to the changes and opportunities likely to occur in the industry .
6 She insisted on knowing who her intruder was , and so she would wait down by the car to see who emerged from the building .
7 Pavel Penkin is the strike leader , what farmers want he says is a massive injection of state investment to enable them to compete in the new free market and improve their lot .
8 He forgave her , and then a week later he and Keeley came home from the Beaux Arts Club to find her sitting on the basement steps , smiling nice as pie .
9 The use of an outsider to observe what happens in a school has a long history in Britain through the process of formal school inspection .
10 Unfortunately though , he became too domesticated and did n't have a fear of humans so he was put on a programme to help him adjust to the wild .
11 In early March the SIG moved to Kabrit and were put through a hard training programme to fit them to operate in the desert alongside the SAS .
12 Subsection ( 1 ) empowers the Bank by notice in writing served on an authorised institution to require them to provide to the Bank such information as the Bank may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under the Act .
13 If you are having regression therapy to help you deal with a problem whose roots are buried in a previous existence , you may well need two or three sessions of actual regression before you hit upon the significant lifetime .
14 The common law offence of sedition , which consists of stirring hatred amongst different classes of Her Majesty 's subjects had fallen into disuse , and an unsuccessful attempt to use it to prosecute for the making of anti-semitic remarks appears to have discouraged prosecuting authorities from seeking to persuade the courts to mould the common law to deal with new problems posed by those who promote ill-will in an increasingly multi-racial society .
15 Funded initially by the Probation Board and the Belfast Action Team , the cash-starved scheme now requires a further £140,000 injection to keep it going for a full year .
16 Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material .
17 Somehow I managed to have the presence of mind to photograph her going into the house .
18 He says he was physically threatened in an attempt to get him to sign over the rights to three groups he represents to Sony .
19 In this instant , a stronger bit might help with the strong horse to stop him running through the rider 's hand .
20 Solowka is refreshingly honest , but the band 's efforts were legitimate enough to prompt the British Ukrainian Association to ask them to appear in a video newsletter and the set definitely broadened the band 's appeal .
21 For several days after his death she had lain in the sagging double bed with a bolster by her side to stop her rolling into the hollow created by Nahum 's bulk , unaware that he would never again make the springs protest at his weight .
22 Indeed , for most of human history we have tended to do the reverse , to use the analogy of the human mind to explain what happens in the physical world , an approach known as ‘ animism ’ .
23 This peculiar state of affairs mystified me , as I had expected the presence of a local bus IDE host card to make itself felt in a big way .
24 The great public buildings were stuccoed with gypsum to make them dazzle in the bright sea-light .
25 As Pathfinders they had the extra advantage of being able to use all the latest radar equipment to enable them to see through the layers of cloud , and when they were talking to Met Officers we would hear mysterious references to ‘ Gee ’ and ‘ H2S ’ .
26 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
27 Among those who were reported to have declined to be considered was New York Governor Mario Cuomo , one of the party 's most charismatic figures , who had earlier resisted a powerful campaign to induce him to run for the presidential nomination .
28 This year 's report hopes to bring about a consultation exercise to establish what to prioritize in the G M B Health and Safety Service .
29 FOUR North Wales schoolgirls are seeking sponsorship to help them get to the British ski championships .
30 It is currently in the hands of a young family and , with an asking price of £385,000 , it is surely not too extravagant a dream to hope it passes into the care of another one .
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