Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun pl] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What in fact happened was that the owner was induced by deceit to agree to the goods being transferred to Ballay .
2 ‘ What in fact happened was that the owner was induced by deceit to agree to the goods being transferred to Ballay .
3 Politics , business , morality , and determination to win against the odds are popular subjects .
4 The 12,000 investors whose right to deal in the units were further suspended this week until February 5 did not hear from the managers until two weeks after the funds were first suspended on November 6 .
5 The 12,000 investors whose right to deal in the units were further suspended this week until February 5 did not hear from the managers until two weeks after the funds were first suspended on November 6 .
6 The cause of Union Discount 's failure to recover on the bills was Esal 's and Berg 's failures .
7 ‘ We are all devoted to the party , but the MPs ’ decision to vote with the Tories is an absolute nightmare .
8 If it is supposed that the last acknowledgement to pass between the parties is a counter-offer then at this stage no contract has been created .
9 The latest firm to take to the courts is Zilog , which makes chips .
10 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
11 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
12 His only personal enthusiasm to feature in the records is a love of horses .
13 The incentive for the NPA to participate in the negotiations was thought to be the possibility of gaining the release of some of the many hundreds of its members and supporters currently in prison .
14 In order to comply with the directions being given by Mr to our client to rearrange his finances , your client 's letter in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead in which to put your finances in order .
15 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
16 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
17 Nevertheless , and no doubt too slowly , illusions of grandeur were slowly given up and Britain 's incapacity to live with the superpowers was to a degree accepted .
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