Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a privilege to meet with the students as they seek God 's direction for the future .
2 Corbett dismounted slowly , ordering Ranulf to look after the horses as he went to meet the chamberlain , who had come out to greet him .
3 Mr Perez de Cuellar described South Africa 's attempt to interfere with the elections as ‘ highly problematical ’ , and announced new procedures for the vote , over four days beginning on 7 November .
4 Each of them had a job to do in the mornings before they left for school .
5 The Dutch , still reluctant to act without Britain , reserved their right to withdraw from the talks if they disliked the outcome .
6 So the blacksmith plover in the savannahs of East Africa will stand over its eggs , shadowing them with outstretched wings , to allow what wind there is to blow over them ; and in Australia , a jabiru stork will collect water in its beak to spray over the eggs if they get dangerously warm .
7 I also suggested that Britons should be urged not to ask for a chance to look at the remains until the situation improves .
8 I have n't had much chance to run in the mornings since you arrived .
9 At least in what other poorer women were telling me , when it came to after work and weekends the men were quite the women were prepared to look after the children and felt it was their role to look after the children while the man was at work ; when the man came back he continued to feel that the woman should look after the children erm for the rest of the time , and the idea of a shared child care arrangement did not operate in at least a number of the families that I talked to and had been one of the causes of the breakdown of the marriage and one of the precipitating factors in the man physically abusing the woman .
10 Although it has been claimed that the Conservative Party under Margaret Thatcher had no carefully thought-through strategy to deal with the unions when it came into office , but rather proceeded pragmatically ( Roberts , 1989 ) , nevertheless ( Young , 1990 , p. 353 ) :
11 These comprised a pork pie and some salami to stave off the munchies while I drove , a toothbrush and some toothpaste , and then a bottle each of tequila , lime juice and Asti Spumante for which I had plans .
12 It is not ( like the rain in the example of my going to London ) just another reason to be added to the others , a reason to stand alongside the others when one reckons which way is better supported by reason .
13 Under reg 10 of the Transfer Regulations , the vendor is under a duty to give recognised trade unions certain information about the business sale and the vendor is under a duty to consult with the unions if either the vendor or the purchaser envisages he will take " measures " in relation to the transfer .
14 From her he seemed to draw sufficient strength to get through the days until the simple funeral was over .
15 There will be considerable opportunity in this kind of shared activity to talk with the children as they play and for the teacher to discuss the mathematical ideas involved .
16 One problem when using the Tube as a tent is that the lightweight alloy poles have a tendency to bend at the joints when under strong pressure .
17 To hold the pound within its margins the system requires a member country to intervene in the markets when its currency diverges 75 per cent of the way to its permitted fluctuation margins , either side of the central rate .
18 There was little time to reflect on the implications as Prince Charles had already asked her to Balmoral for the weekend of the Braemar Games early in September .
19 One person must remain at the nets all the time to deal with the rabbits as they become entangled .
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