Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The original text may have consisted of 153 words , but many of these are function words and a further number produces no alternative candidates when put through the simulator .
2 Glory may have departed from this earth , but faint traces or soft echoes of it persist in the unlikeliest recesses of mind and landscape .
3 Nor can it explain why indeed the change should have happened at all : why did the speakers not simply retain /a:/ ?
4 Do not count any earnings your employee may have received from other employment .
5 Kin selection and selection in favour of reciprocal altruism may have acted on human genes to produce many of our basic psychological attributes and tendencies .
6 When a central government department is sued , it is usual to name the respondent as the Secretary of State who is constitutionally responsible for the conduct of the department 's business ; although , of course , the decision or action being challenged will more often than not have been made or done by someone other than the Secretary of State personally ; and in the case of a geographically decentralized department , such as the Department of Social Security , the challenged decision or action may have originated from any one of a large number of regional offices of the department .
7 A Sports Council source said last night that the confusion may have arisen over separate lists of banned drugs and when they apply .
8 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
9 After a while , the villagers suspected that their priest must have stumbled across some sort of treasure , for how else could the funding of his good works be explained ?
10 Moreover , one might predict further that had royalty in 1940 continued with the rich pageants of peacetime ( as the Prince Regent had done during the Napoleonic wars ) , the indifference might have turned to explicit criticism .
11 But the committee removed key sentences which suggested that flaws in the experiment might have resulted in this being a serious underestimate .
12 A good lawyer could have dealt with that .
13 Looking back afterwards , Florrie found it hard to believe that such a tragedy could have arisen from such trivial , everyday circumstances .
14 Although the current five-year term of the People 's Action Party ( PAP ) administration could have run until 1993 [ for 1988 general election see pp. 36352-53 ] , Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong who succeeded the veteran Lee Kuan Yew in November 1990 , wished to secure a popular mandate for his leadership and its changes of policy emphasis [ see p. 37860 ] .
15 My right hon. Friend said that Labour would have signed in full .
16 Rosalba would have twitched at such words , but Cati was so used to them , she only wavered because she was wondering how to give him her message , and she thought he was going to turn .
17 She wondered what Grandmama would have advised in all the circumstances .
18 For although the Home Rule movement did for a time grow apace , with an ever increasing number of SNP candidates being elected to Parliament and , under the Callaghan administration , the old High School building on Calton Hill being refurbished to accommodate a Scottish debating-chamber ( the old one had become incorporated in the Law Courts ) , the idea of Home Rule made many of my countrymen uneasy ; less , I think , about financial disadvantages ( for oil revenue would have compensated for that ) than at the prospect of feuding between east and west , north and south , and , for some , the prospect of a semi-permanent Labour administration ; and when in 1979 a referendum of the whole Scottish nation was held , the votes in favour of Home Rule did not attain the clear 40 per cent majority on which the House of Commons had insisted .
19 Companies adopting the European statute would have to choose between three versions of worker participation .
20 After all , if this hobby is to become a regular habit , maybe bordering on obsession , then the flyer will have invested in good quality reels .
21 However , this type of work immediately meets the problem of data collection outlined at the beginning of this chapter , and for the foreseeable future most research will have to rely on official census data with all their limitations .
22 By 2000 this figure will have shrunk to 3.8 .
23 If present trends continue , reported crime will have risen by 113 per cent .
24 Significantly , the employee will have to serve in that employment for two years before again gaining the protection of the unfair dismissal legislation .
25 But while the FA Cup can still turn dreams into reality , the Second Division might have to settle for one representative at Wembley after tomorrow 's semi-finals .
26 As he gave out his text , his voice rose like a steam of rich distilled perfumes , ’ and when he came to the two last words , which he pronounced loud , deep , and distinct , it seemed to me , who was then young , as if the sounds had echoed from the bottom of the human heart , and as if that prayer might have floated in solemn silence through the universe .
27 So although the machine may have run for eight minutes , it was not an uninterrupted eight minutes .
28 There can be concern in a study of this type that multiple testing may have resulted in certain conclusions being due to chance findings .
29 We did not believe that the issue should have come within that particular article .
30 The ship has been at Rosyth for some weeks and work should have started on 1 March .
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