Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] be [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The best course must be to acquire some expertise in the procedures ; not only will this be useful in itself , but the knowledgeable haulier may find others in the business who are willing to pay for help on Customs 88 documentation .
2 ‘ We will continue to press the council of ministers , who make the final decisions , that the final decision must be to award full status to the whole area .
3 Since Chinese officials have also said recently that there will be few major alterations to the Basic Law between its interim and final drafts , their intention may be to declare that proliferation of ideas about political reform indicates an absence of consensus in Hong Kong , and leave Mr Cha 's proposal in place .
4 The result should be to reduce both parties ' costs of stockholding , argues Sears .
5 Where the restraint necessitates holding a client down , the first recourse should be to attempt this face up , a degree of weight being applied to the shoulders .
6 An alternative might be to use separate subfields for different parts of the number .
7 A way of achieving this result might be to require all cases brought against governmental bodies and all cases concerning the exercise of public functions to be brought under a revamped Ord. 53 which would provide for two procedural tracks : a fast track for cases which , in the public interest , needed to be dealt with speedily , and a slow track for other cases .
8 Confident that Clasper would be brought down by his own members without any interference from him , Bunker concluded that his best course of action would be to emulate Brer Rabbit on this occasion , and ‘ lie low and say nuffin' . ’
9 One way of indicating this intention would be to take some action contrary to the object and purpose of the treaty , but such signalling action could be deemed a breach of Article 18 .
10 However , they will be able to waive best execution , and indeed can do so even if they are discretionary customers ( which is a helpful relaxation and reflects the new spirit of liberalisation ) ; the best practice would be to have this waiver in writing .
11 The alternative would be to slash public spending , a policy that few Indian politicians of any persuasion favour .
12 ‘ The major effect would be to make those works , which are already the most difficult to sell , works by younger artists who are not well-known or who have not established themselves , even more difficult to sell .
13 The effect would be to damage those companies with a strong research base , some of their products would be replaced by imports from Eastern Europe , Italy and the Far East — cheaper because they come from companies that do not support expensive R&D and a continuing technical back-up for their products .
14 The effect of this major reshaping would be to require 16 institutions , consisting of seven polytechnics and nine colleges of higher education , to cease initial teacher training , and some of the colleges to close altogether .
15 The primary purpose of the proposed research will be to acquire detailed knowledge about how the new Act will operate .
16 Davies adds : ‘ One function of our research will be to highlight good practice where it exists .
17 Thus one of the main considerations of the research will be to make some contribution to the task of developing a more sophisticated literary sociology .
18 The net effect will be to push ethnic minorities into jobs that are low-paid , dirty , involve shift work , and are vulnerable in an economic recession .
19 A second route might be to allow domestic producers to agree on predatory responses to attempts by foreign suppliers to enter the national market .
20 A basic concern for Christian formation should be to enable young people to grow as free persons and to encourage personal responsibility and moral maturity .
21 A weaker version of the same proposal would be to consider that semantics is an abstraction away from context-dependent utterances , in so far as this is possible ( as suggested by Carnap , 1959 : 13 ; Lyons , 1977a : 591 ) .
22 A second would be to ensure corrugated iron covers on doors and windows are better secured and quickly repaired if removed or damaged .
23 The minimum requirement will be to lodge relevant documents in the Regional Planning Department 's foyer to be available for public inspection during normal office hours .
24 A third route could be to permit vertical relationships and restraints between domestic producers , or domestic producers and distributors , which made it difficult either for a foreign firm to set up production and gain essential supplies , or for a foreign firm to get access to existing distribution networks .
25 The argument is simple and reflexive : if the body of this book has been about helping teachers to be more able to deal with uncertainty , conflict and change — in a word , to become better learners — then the tail asserts that the core of their job should be to help young people to become good learners in their turn .
26 He added : ‘ The aim must be to produce small claims procedures which can be understood and followed by the do-it-yourself litigant . ’
27 The eventual aim should be to include all schools in the authority .
28 The eventual aim should be to include all schools in the authority .
29 The aim should be to have hard-wired network data connections in close proximity to all potential computer users .
30 Over a period the aim should be to adjust nursing budgets and thus the number of nurses employed so that each unit/specialty is equally provided fur within the constraints of financial provision .
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