Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The settlement may lend money to X Ltd ; that will be an associated payment ( TA 1988 , s678(1) ( a ) and ( 5 ) ) .
2 Any move in that direction may raise resistance in BCM circles and exacerbate misgivings about the MDM 's ‘ flirtations ’ with bantustan leaders like General Bantu Holomisa of the Transkei and Mr Enos Mabuza of KaNgwane .
3 Codification of case law ; Parliament may pass legislation in order to give legislative effect to judicial decisions in one statute .
4 Parliament may allow exit of works made up to a century ago
5 The judge 's decision may establish certainty in respect to S&M activities , but it adds another layer of inconsistency to the law 's view of consensual assaults .
6 Smoking may prevent healing of oesophagitis by reducing salivary epidermal growth factor secretion and reduces the rate of healing in response to anti-reflux medication .
7 the Chairman may withhold consent to publication or disclosure where it can be demonstrated that publication or disclosure is contrary to the commercial interest of any of the Parties provided that ins such cases
8 This provision may cause confusion to clients as they will not understand that it only relates to a late completion date .
9 If it is true that ‘ Political power and the effective control of communication go together ’ and political power at a local level may concern formation of council or school policy ; equally , consumer power depends on knowledge for choice and accountability while producer power needs control of the base materials , including know-how .
10 The holder may supply liquor to persons taking table meals on the premises , to residents or private friends of residents being bona fide entertained by them , to the private friends for their own or the resident 's consumption , and to a resident for his own or a private friend 's consumption with a meal supplied at the premises but to be consumed off them .
11 Ritualization may take place in order to make a signal more , or less , honest according to the type of signal .
12 The change must take effect by March 1996 .
13 If the specified action does not resolve the error , then the user should contact YSS for assistance .
14 Such decentralization should encourage competition between agencies .
15 If so , it is perhaps surprising that a threat of a mere breach of contract should give rise to liability .
16 Parliament crossed him , always with the greatest respect but implacably , criticised his use of the council to levy an aid for the marriage of his elder daughter without consulting them , doubted if there was a precedent recent enough to justify the aid , and periodically and obstinately restated to him the principle that the king should live ‘ of his own ’ , without demanding that parliament should raise money by taxes for his expenses .
17 So there are times ( as we shall see in chapter sixteen ) when the rationality of faith must go hand in hand with the mystery of faith .
18 The ‘ Great Debate ’ about education had been underway for some time and though it was clear that the curriculum was in need of change , it was less clear how much change should take place at Hinde House , bearing in mind the need for teachers to have ownership of curriculum delivery if higher standards and a wide range of learning experiences were to permeate the whole curriculum rather than making a series of peripheral and ephemeral alterations to an already redundant approach .
19 It is certainly the case that , a deviant fringe aside , the core of Catholicism maintains the claim to be the only true church , insists that church unity must mean unity with Rome on its terms , and , in such practices as insisting that the children of mixed marriages be raised as Catholics , continues to behave in an ‘ intolerant ’ fashion .
20 Nisbet and Sadler ( 12 ) further point out that school closure may bring loss of employment , loss of rates through migration out of the district and loss of resources due to disinclination to develop together with decline of existing services such as transport .
21 Yes , Chairman , can I say that erm , when the b the budget 's in the process of formulation and we 're discussing the question of balances and reserves and how they should be marked for the immediate future , particularly in regard to the way that er , reorganization may take place at police authorities in the very near future , and also those of us who are on this , on , on other committees who 've had experience in , and the same sort of thing happening in further education for instance , where immediately the assets , before even the regulations were put on the table , the assets of all these things were , all these er , erm , coll the further education colleges were frozen so we could n't do anything with them at all as an Authority , and er , actually many of them were taken from us without er , without any question at all .
22 The Convention provides first that a diplomatic officer and consular agent may take evidence without compulsion in civil or commercial matters from nationals of the State he represents in aid of proceedings commenced in the courts of the State represented .
23 The horse may suffer anxiety in relation to one specific part of its life : shoeing , trailering , saddling , mounting , and so oh , but if it has been hurt in a number of situations , it is likely to learn to be anxious in relation to anything to do with people .
24 In literature , as we have remarked already , uncertainty may give rise to cruces , to disputed texts .
25 The ceremony must take place in front of two witnesses over the age of 18 .
26 The campaign revolved around the issue of whether negotiations with the drug cartels to end the current violence should take precedence over efforts to bring them to justice .
27 That the Oxford English Dictionary should define disorderliness in terms of ‘ violating moral order , constituted authority , or recognised rule ’ simply serves to reinforce concern that the section may be seen to create an offence whose commission is in the eye of the beholder .
28 But if the audience could receive ‘ Heshang ’ with tolerance , then the programme should accept criticism with tolerance .
29 They are convinced that religion must make sense to believer and unbeliever alike .
30 the appraisal should involve face to face discussion between a manager and employee
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