Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] give [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
2 The application of such a rule can undoubtedly give rise to difficulties in certain sets of circumstances , but so can the suggested rule that economic loss may be recovered provided it is directly consequential on physical damage .
3 A general term can not give rise to zeugma in this way :
4 In any proceeding in which no pre-trial review has been fixed , the district judge may nonetheless give notice to the parties requiring them to appear before him on the day named in the notice , so that the question of giving directions may be considered ( Ord 17 , rr 10 and 11(4) ) .
5 That implied that a new social configuration may well give rise to new forms of designing …
6 The first is a lack of judicial time particularly when judges in Court of Session must also give priority to criminal cases .
7 In both instances earlier discovery might obviously give rise to great savings in costs .
8 In a brief to me and my colleagues , my local authority wrote : ’ In addition , because of its very nature as a combined personal/property tax , movements of individuals within a household will inevitably give rise to changes in liability .
9 Temporary planetary instability will soon give way to a more tranquil period .
10 The Court of Victoria rightly rejected the contention that a careless act can never give rise to a cause of action in negligence unless there is in existence at the time of the act a legal person affected by it who can sue .
11 So that 's all got to happen and can we expect that the improvements that have been made now to the syst to the management of this process will not give rise to the same delays that occurred in getting this system flight safe .
12 The court should thus give effect to the rules wherever possible , while at the same time seeking to avoid legalistic interpretation , particularly if this produces arbitrary or irrational results .
13 The absence of intermittent hormonal stimulation in men implies that a similar underlying genetic defect might not give rise to malignant disease until later in life .
14 The court can then give consent to the proposed treatment or withholding of treatment , if it thinks this is in the best interests of the child .
15 The advance would not give rise to an income tax charge .
16 The hardware used for data collection can also give rise to differences in recognition performance .
17 The principal can also give assistance to the agent by helping in the commercial negotiations between the agent and important customers , helping with special discounts or credit arrangements in order to secure business .
18 Thus , if in year 1 X is charged under s739 on the income arising in his overseas discretionary trust or in a company owned by that trust and that money is , for instance , then lent to him , the loan of the money would not give rise to any further charge .
19 This " transphasing " of the mode spectrum will alternately give rise to bistable and Ikeda-type double resonances as the pump parameter A is increased : 8 determines the starting position of the comb relative to the pump frequency .
20 A late application may well give rise to an adjournment , for an Order for leave to file an amended pleading in response , for further particulars , and for discovery arising from the amendment .
21 This dichotomy must surely give rise to resentment , however firmly repressed .
22 The fact that the plaintiff chose to run the risk should not give rise to volenti , as knowledge of the risk is not sufficient .
23 Unlike the annual Environment White Papers , a sustainable development report need not give space to quality of life issues where there are no long term implications , such as local issues of litter , the nuisance from dogs , noise , etc .
24 ‘ An intestinal infection is of no significance whatsoever in the field of public health because such infection will not give rise to any problems to public health , ’ he told Lord Justice Parker and Mr Tudor Evans during a judicial review of the Ministry 's order to slaughter the chickens .
25 ‘ With a very great number of credit grantors not being members of any trade association and others being members of more than one , such a system could not give rise to a fair method of raising a levy .
26 In 1974 , Anthony Wigram founded Conservative Action for Electoral Reform and urged the adoption of proportional representation because " the present electoral system could easily give power to a Socialist Party controlled by an extreme left wing group . " .
27 Again in Johnston v Chamberlain ( 1933 ) 17 TC 706 , the taxpayer sought to argue that a payment from a discretionary trust could not give rise to income tax liability on the beneficiary as it was " only when the trustees choose to exercise their discretion by making the payment that the sum gets to the children at all " .
28 The income arising to the trust can only be taxed under Schedule D , Case IV or V. Payments from the trust can only give rise to a new source under Case V. Those Cases give the taxpayer the benefit of the remittance basis .
29 Yet literature can only give access to the values entertained by the members of literate communities and in these only for persons able to apprehend what they read .
30 Judicial notions of justice must generally give way to those expressed by Parliament where they are inconsistent .
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